Attitudes Towards E-scooter Safety - A Survey in Five Countries |
Elisabeta Drimlová, Matús Šucha, Karel Rečka, Narelle Haworth, Aslak
Fyhri, Pontus Wallgren, Peter Silverans, Freya Slootmans
Transactions on Transport Sciences, 2024, 15(3):24-36 |
Bike Attitudes Predict Behaviour Change, more than Vice Versa: A Norwegian Quasi-replication of Kroesen and Colleagues (2017) |
Lars Even
Egner, Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Aslak
Fyhri |
Findings, 2024, (December 2024):1-6 |
Determination of riding comfort on cycleways using a smartphone application |
Anna Niska, Leif Sjogren, Peter Andrén, Christian
Weber, Tineke
de Jong, Aslak
Fyhri |
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English editions), 2024, 11(4, August):747-760 |
The effects of subsidising e-bikes on mode share and physical activity - A natural experiment |
Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Sveinung Berntsen, Elling Bere, Aslak
Fyhri |
Journal of Transport & Health, 2024, 35(March):1-13 |
Cost-benefit assessments of an e-bike subvention programme in Oslo, Norway |
Veisten, Aslak
Fyhri, Askill Harkjerr
Halse, Hanne Beate
Sundfør |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2024, 180(February, 103974):1-14 |
Evaluation of an Influencer Campaign on Social Media Targeting Young E-scooter Users |
Fyhri, Vibeke
Milch Uhlving, Ingunn Opheim
Ellis, Katrine
Karlsen |
Findings, 2023, (March):1-6 |
Spatial characteristics of unpleasant cycling experiences |
de Jong, Aslak
Fyhri |
Journal of Transport Geography, 2023, 112(October 2023):1-10 |
E-scooter riders and pedestrians: Attitudes and interactions in five countries |
Matús Šucha, Elisabeta Drimlová, Karel Rečka, Narelle Haworth, Katrine
Karlsen, Aslak
Fyhri, Pontus Wallgren, Peter Silverans, Freya Slootmans
Heliyon, 2023, 9(4, April 2023):1-18 |
“Game over” for autonomous shuttles in mixed traffic? Results from field surveys among pedestrians and cyclists on how they interact with autonomous shuttles in real-life traffic in Norway |
Bjørnskau, Ole
Aasvik, Tim De Ceunynck, Aslak
Fyhri, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker, Carl Johnsson, Aliaksei
Laureshyn |
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2023, 18(March,, 100781):1-15 |
Behavioural Profiling of Cycling and Walking in Nine European Cities |
Tim De Ceunynck, Gert Jan Wijlhuizen, Aslak
Fyhri, Regine Gerike, Dagmar Köhler, Alice
Ciccone, Atze Dijkstra, Emmanuelle Dupont, Mario Cools
Sustainability, 2023, 15(3):1-17 |
Does active transport lead to improved mood and performance? A panel study of travel changes during the Covid-19 lockdown in Norway |
Fyhri, Alice
Ciccone, Claire Papaix, Katrine
Karlsen |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2023, 94(April 2023):114-132 |
Distracting or informative? Examining signage for cyclists using eye-tracking |
Aasvik, Aslak
Fyhri |
Traffic Safety Research an Interdisciplinary Journal, 2022, 2:1-14 |
The effects of a subvention scheme for e-bikes on mode share and active mobility |
Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Aslak
Fyhri |
Journal of Transport & Health, 2022, 26(September 2022):1-12 |
Interact or counteract? Behavioural observation of interactions between vulnerable road users and autonomous shuttles in Oslo, Norway |
Tim De Ceunynck, Brecht Pelssers, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Ole
Aasvik, Aslak
Fyhri, Aliaksei
Laureshyn, Carl Johnsson, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker, Heike Martensen
Traffic Safety Research an Interdisciplinary Journal, 2022, 2:1-24 |
The impact of weather conditions on everyday cycling with different bike types in parents of young children participating in the CARTOBIKE randomized controlled trial |
Helga Birgit Bjørnarå, Sveinung Berntsen, Saskia J. te Velde, Aslak
Fyhri, Ketil Isaksen, Benedicte Deforche, Lars Bo Andersen, Andreas Stenling, Elling Bere
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2021, (Ahead of print):1-8 |
App-based automatic collection of travel behaviour: A field study comparison with self-reported behaviour |
Ingeborg Storesund
Hesjevoll, Aslak
Fyhri, Alice
Ciccone |
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2021, 12(December):1-17 |
Testing the Effect of Hedge Height on Perceived Safety—A Landscape Design Intervention |
Katinka Horgen Evensen, Helena Nordh, Ramzi Hassan, Aslak
Fyhri |
Sustainability, 2021, 13(Article 5063):15 |
Using Behavioral Insights to Incentivize Cycling: Results from a Field Experiment |
Ciccone, Aslak
Fyhri, Hanne Beate
Sundfør |
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021, 188:1035-1058 |
Paint It Red - A Multimethod Study of the Nudging Effect of Coloured Cycle Lanes |
Fyhri, Katrine
Karlsen, Hanne Beate
Sundfør |
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12(662679):12 |
Assessing the Willingness to Use Personal e-Transporters (PeTs): Results from a Cross-National Survey in Nine European Cities |
Tim De Ceunynck, Gert Jan Wijlhuizen, Aslak
Fyhri, Regine Gerike, Dagmar Köhler, Alice
Ciccone, Atze Dijkstra, Emmanuelle Dupont, Mario Cools
Sustainability, 2021, 13(7):15 |
Is Red the New Black? A Quasi-Experimental Study Comparing Perceptions of Differently Coloured Cycle Lanes |
Karlsen, Aslak
Fyhri |
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, (Desember):12 |
Cumbersome but desirable — Breaking the code of everyday cycling |
Helga Birgit Bjørnarå, Thomas Westergren, Liv Fegran, Saskia J. te Velde, Aslak
Fyhri, Benedicte Deforche, Lars Bo Andersen, Sveinung Berntsen, Elling Bere
PLOS ONE, 2020, 12(artikkel nr. 58):1-12 |
Do people who buy e-bikes cycle more? |
Fyhri, Hanne Beate
Sundfør |
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, 86(September 2020):7 |
From cars to bikes – The effect of an intervention providing access to different bike types: A randomized controlled trial |
Helga Birgit Bjørnarå, Sveinung Berntsen, Saskia J. te Velde, Aslak
Fyhri, Benedicte Deforche, Lars Bo Andersen, Elling Bere
PLOS ONE, 2019, :1-17 |
Gender differences in accident risk with e-bikes—Survey data from Norway |
Fyhri, Ole
Aasvik, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 132(105248):8 |
Risk compensation theory and bicycle helmets – Results from an experiment of cycling speed and short-term effects of habituation |
Fyhri, Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Christian
Weber, Ross Owen
Phillips |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2018, 58(Oktober):329-338 |
Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors |
D. Shinar, P. Valero-Mora, M. van Strijp-Houtenbos, N. Haworth, A. Schramm, G. De Bruyne, V. Cavallo, J. Chliaoutakis, J. Dias, O.E. Ferraro, Aslak
Fyhri, A. Hursa Sajatovic, K. Kuklane, R. Ledesma, O. Mascarell, A. Morandi, M. Muser, D. Otte, M. Papadakaki, J. Sanmartín, D. Dulf, M. Saplioglu, G. Tzamalouka
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 110(January 2018):177-186 |
Cross-comparison of three surrogate safety methods to diagnose cyclist safety problems at intersections in Norway |
Laureshyn, Maartje de Goede, Nicolas Saunier, Aslak
Fyhri |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017, 105(August 2017):11-20 |
From cars to bikes – the feasibility and effect of using e-bikes, longtail bikes and traditional bikes for transportation among parents of children attending kindergarten: design of a randomized cross-over trial |
Helga Birgit Bjørnarå, Sveinung Berntsen, Saskia J. te Velde, Liv Fegran, Aslak
Fyhri, Benedicte Deforche, Lars Bo Andersen, Elling Bere
BMC Public Health, 2017, 17(981):9 |
Empirical speed models for cycling in the Oslo road network |
Flügel, Nina
Hulleberg, Aslak
Fyhri, Christian
Weber, Grétar
Ævarsson |
Transportation, 2017, :25 |
A push for public health: the effect of e-bikes on physical activity levels |
Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Aslak
Fyhri |
BMC Public Health, 2017, 17(809):12 |
“Maybe I Will Just Send a Quick Text…” – An Examination of Drivers’ Distractions, Causes, and Potential Interventions |
Aasvik, Aslak
Fyhri |
Frontiers in Psychology, 2017, 8(1957):15 |
A push to cycling - Exploring the e-bike's role in overcoming barriers to bicycle use with a survey and an intervention study |
Fyhri, Eva Heinen, Nils
Fearnley, Hanne Beate
Sundfør |
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2017, 11(9):681-695 |
The Dutch road to a high level of cycling safety |
Paul Schepers, D. Twisk, E. Fishman, Aslak
Fyhri, A. Jensen
Safety Science, 2017, 92:264-273 |
Safety in numbers for cyclists—conclusions from a multidisciplinary study of seasonal change in interplay and conflicts |
Fyhri, Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Aliaksei
Laureshyn |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016, 105(Aug 2016):Safety in numbers for cyclists—conclusions from a multidisciplinary study of seasonal change in interplay and conflicts |
Soundscape and perceived suitability for recreation in an urban designated quiet zone |
Katinka Evensen, Ruth Kjærsti Raanaas, Aslak
Fyhri |
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2016, 20:243-248 |
Shared road is double happiness: Evaluation of a “Share the road” sign |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Aslak
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2016, online:9 s |
Effects of e-bikes on bicycle use and mode share |
Fyhri, Nils
Fearnley |
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2015, 36(May 2015):45–52 |
Emotional reactions to cycle helmet use |
Fyhri, Ross Owen
Phillips |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013, 50:59–63 |
Bicycle helmets - A case of risk compensation? |
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Agathe Backer-Grøndahl
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2012, 15(5):612-624 |
Personality and riskperception in transport |
Fyhri, Agathe Backer-Grøndahl
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012, 49:470-475 |
Risk compensation and bicycle helmets |
Ross Owen
Phillips, Aslak
Fyhri, Fridulv
Sagberg |
Risk Analysis, 2011, 31(8):1187-1195 |
Children’s active travel and independent mobility in four countries: Development, social contributing trends and measures. |
Fyhri, Randi
Hjorthol, Roger Mackett, Trine Nordgaard Fotel, Marketta Kyttä
Transport Policy, 2011, 18(5):703-710 |
Noise, sleep and poor health: modeling the relationship between road traffic noise and cardiovascular problems |
Fyhri, Gunn Marit Aasvang
Science of the Total Environment, 2010, 408(21):4935-4942 |
Sosialiserer vi våre barn til bilbruk? |
Hjorthol, Aslak
Fyhri |
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 2009, 50(2):161-180 |
Road traffic noise, sensitivity, annoyance and self-reported health - A structural equation model exercise |
Fyhri, Ronny
Klæboe |
Environmental International, 2009, 35(1):91-97 |
Children's independent mobility to school, friends and leisure activities |
Fyhri, Randi
Hjorthol |
Journal of Transport Geography, 2009, 17(5):377-384 |
Accidents and Unpleasant Incidents: Worry in Transport and Prediction of Travel Behavior |
Agathe Backer-Grøndahl, Aslak
Fyhri, Pål Ulleberg, Astrid Helene
Amundsen |
Risk Analysis, 2009, 29(9):1217-1226 |
Tourists' landscape perceptions and preferences in a Scandinavian coastal region |
Fyhri, Jens Kristian Steen
Jacobsen, Hans Tømmervik
Landscape and Urban Planning, 2009, 91(4):202-211 |
Do organized leisure activities for children encourage car use? |
Hjorthol, Aslak
Fyhri |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2009, 43(2):209-218 |
Annoyance from vehicular air pollution. A comparison of European exposure-response relationships |
Klæboe, Astrid Helene
Amundsen, Aslak
Fyhri |
Atmospheric Environment, 2008, 42(33):7689-7694 |
Annoyance from vehicular air pollution. Exposure-response relationships for Norway. |
Astrid Helene
Amundsen, Ronny
Klæboe, Aslak
Fyhri |
Atmospheric Environment, 2008, 42(33):7679-7688 |
Direct, indirect influences of income on road traffic noise annoyance |
Fyhri, Ronny
Klæboe |
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2006, 26(1):27-37 |
The impact of an adverse neighbourhood soundscape on road traffic noise annoyance |
Klæboe, Marika
Kolbenstvedt, Aslak
Fyhri, S Solberg
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2005, 91(6):1039-1050 |
Traffic education for children with a tabletop model |
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Pål Ulleberg
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2004, 7(4-5):197-207 |
Road traffic noise - the relationship between noise exposure and noise annoyance in Norway. |
Klæboe, Astrid Helene
Amundsen, Aslak
Fyhri, S Solberg
Applied Acoustics, 2004, 65(9):893-912 |