How do Car Owners Familiarize and Adapt to Unfamiliar Vehicle Technologies? |
Milch Uhlving, Alena Katharina
Høye, Kjell Vegard
Weyde |
Findings, 2024, (May):1-6 |
Safety effects of bypass lanes at unsignalized three-leg junctions |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Ingeborg Storesund
Hesjevoll, Rune
Elvik |
accident Analysis and Prevention, 2024, 203(August 2024, 107643):1-7 |
Alcohol and driving—How bad is the combination? A meta-analysis |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Ingeborg Storesund
Hesjevoll |
Traffic Injury Prevention, 2023, 24(5):373-378 |
Changes over time in the relationship between road accidents and factors influencing them: The case of Norway |
Elvik, Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2023, 183(Article no. 106989):1-6 |
The use of low-level theory to guide the interpretation of road safety evaluation studies |
Elvik, Alena Katharina
Høye |
Safety Science, 2023, 158(February 2023, 105963):8 |
Descriptive analysis of reports on autonomous vehicle collisions in California: January 2021–June 2022 |
Pokorny, Alena Katharina
Høye |
Traffic Safety Research an Interdisciplinary Journal, 2022, 2:1-8 |
Do we know why the number of traffic fatalities is declining? If not, can we find out? |
Elvik, Alena Katharina
Høye |
Traffic Safety Research an Interdisciplinary Journal, 2022, 2:1-12 |
The illusion of absence: how a common feature of magic shows can explain a class of road accidents |
Vebjørn Ekroll, Mats Svalebjørg, Angelo Pirrone, Gisela Böhm, Sebastian Jentschke, Rob van Lier, Johan Wagemans, Alena Katharina
Høye |
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2021, 6(22):1-16 |
Are helmeted cyclists taking more risk at signalized intersections? |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Morten Lind Jensen, Michael Wøhlk Jæger
Sørensen |
Traffic Injury Prevention, 2020, 21(8):552-557 |
Traffic volume and crashes and how crash and road characteristics affect their relationship – A meta-analysis |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Ingeborg Storesund
Hesjevoll |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020, 145(September 2020):21 |
Safety equipment use and crash involvement among cyclists – Behavioral adaptation, precaution or learning? |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Ingeborg Storesund
Hesjevoll, Ole
Aasvik |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2020, 72(July 2020):117-132 |
Speeding and impaired driving in fatal crashes—Results from in-depth investigations |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Traffic Injury Prevention, 2020, 21(7):425-430 |
Inattention and distraction in fatal road crashes–Results from in-depthcrash investigations in Norway |
Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Fridulv
Sagberg, Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 125:152-157 |
Vehicle registration year, age, and weight - Untangling the effects on crash risk |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 123(February):1-11 |
SeeMe at the crosswalk: Before-after study of a pedestrian crosswalk warning system |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Aliaksei
Laureshyn |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2019, 60(January 2019):723-733 |
Recommend or mandate? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of mandatory bicycle helmet legislation |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 120(November):239-249 |
Bicycle helmets – To wear or not to wear? A meta-analyses of the effects of bicycle helmets on injuries |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018, 117(August):85-97 |
Shared road is double happiness: Evaluation of a “Share the road” sign |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Aslak
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2016, online:9 s |
How would increasing seat belt use affect the number of killed or seriously injured light vehicle occupants? |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016, 88:175-186 |
Safety effects of fixed speed cameras—An empirical Bayes evaluation |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015, 82:263–269 |
Graduated driver licensing: searching for the best composition of components |
Vaa, Alena Katharina
Høye, Raquel Almqvist
Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development, 2015, 2(2):160-176 |
Safety effects of section control - An empirical Bayes evaluation |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015, 74:169–178 |
Speed cameras, section control, and kangaroo jumps–a meta-analysis |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2014, 73:200-208 |
Still red light for red light cameras? An update |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013, 55:77-89 |
The effects of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) on crashes—An update |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2011, 43(3):1148–1159 |
Publication bias in road safety evaluation. How can it be detected and how common is it? |
Elvik, Alena Katharina
Høye |
Transportation Research Record, 2010, (2147):1-8 |
Will announcing seat-belt checkpoints reduce the non-use of seat-belts of increase other violations? |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Truls
Vaa |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2010, 13(4):233-242 |
Are airbags a dangerous safety measure? A meta-analysis of the effects of frontal airbags on driver fatalities |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2010, 42(6):2030-2040 |
Red light for red-light cameras? A meta-analysis of the effects of red-light cameras on crashes |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2009, 41(5):897-905 |
The effects of drink-driving checkpoints on crashes - A meta-analysis |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Charles Goldenbeld, Truls
Vaa |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2009, 41(5):914-923 |
Elementary Units of Exposure |
Elvik, Alena Katharina
Høye, Peter Christensen
Transportation Research Record, 2009, (2103):25-31 |
Fussgänger- und Radfahrersicherheit |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 2008, (4):171-176 |
Effects of electronic stability control (ESC) on accidents: A review of empirical evidence |
Alena Katharina
Høye |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2008, 40(1):167-173 |
Effects of route guidance Variable Message Signs (VMS) on driver behaviour. |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Fridulv
Sagberg, Rolf
Hagman |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2007, 10(6):447-457 |