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Randi Hjorthol
Vitenskapelige artikler
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Decreasing popularity of the car? Changes in driving licence and access to a car among young adults over a 25-year period in Norway | Randi Hjorthol | Journal of Transport Geography, 2016, 51:140-146 |
Increasing the competitiveness of e-vehicles in Europe | Erik Figenbaum, Nils Fearnley, Paul Pfaffenbichler, Randi Hjorthol, Marika Kolbenstvedt, Reinhard Jellinek, Bettina Emmerling, G. Maarten Bonnema, Farideh Ramjerdi, Liva Vågane, Lykke Møller Iversen | European Transport Research Review, 2015, 7(3):Online |
Different types of out-of-home activities and well-being amongst urban residing old persons with mobility impediments | Anu Sirén, Randi Hjorthol, Lena Levin | Journal of Transport & Health, 2015, 2(1):14-21 |
Improving walking conditions for older adults. A three-step method investigation | Julie Runde Krogstad, Randi Hjorthol, Aud Tennøy | European Journal of Ageing Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives, 2015, 12(3):249-260 |
Allocation of tasks, arrangement of working hours and commuting in different Norwegian households | Randi Hjorthol, Liva Vågane | Journal of Transport Geography, 2014, 35:75–83 |
Winter weather - an obstacle to older people's activities? | Randi Hjorthol | Journal of Transport Geography, 2013, 28(April):186-191 |
Videoconferencing and business air travel: Do new technologies produce new interaction patterns? | Jon Martin Denstadli, Mattias Gripsrud, Randi Hjorthol, Tom Erik Julsrud | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2013, 29(1):1-13 |
Transport resources, mobility and unmet transport needs in old age | Randi Hjorthol | Ageing and Society, 2013, 33(7):1190-1211 |
Business meetings: do new videoconferencing technologies change communication patterns? | Tom Erik Julsrud, Randi Hjorthol, Jon Martin Denstadli | Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, 24:396-403 |
Working on the train: from 'dead time' to productive and vital time | Mattias Gripsrud, Randi Hjorthol | Transportation, 2012, 39(5):941-956 |
Transportressurser og transportbehov blant eldre. | Randi Hjorthol, Susanne Nordbakke, Liva Vågane | Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 2012, 15(1):37-52 |
Videoconferencing as a mode of communication: A comparative study of the use of videoconferencing and face-to-face meetings | Jon Martin Denstadli, Tom Erik Julsrud, Randi Hjorthol | Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 2012, 26(1):65-91 |
Children’s active travel and independent mobility in four countries: Development, social contributing trends and measures. | Aslak Fyhri, Randi Hjorthol, Roger Mackett, Trine Nordgaard Fotel, Marketta Kyttä | Transport Policy, 2011, 18(5):703-710 |
Mobility in different generations of older persons. The development of daily travel in different cohorts in Denmark, Norway and Sweden | Randi Hjorthol, Lena Levin, Anu Sirén | Journal of Transport Geography, 2010, 18(5):624-633 |
Sosialiserer vi våre barn til bilbruk? | Randi Hjorthol, Aslak Fyhri | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 2009, 50(2):161-180 |
Children's independent mobility to school, friends and leisure activities | Aslak Fyhri, Randi Hjorthol | Journal of Transport Geography, 2009, 17(5):377-384 |
Home as a communication hub: the domestic use of ICT | Randi Hjorthol, Mattias Gripsrud | Journal of Transport Geography, 2009, 17(2):115-123 |
Information searching and buying on the Internet: travel-related activities? | Randi Hjorthol | Environment and Planning B, 2009, 36(2):229-244 |
Do organized leisure activities for children encourage car use? | Randi Hjorthol, Aslak Fyhri | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2009, 43(2):209-218 |
Teleworking: a reduction in travel or just increasted flexibility? | Randi Hjorthol, Åse Nossum | The Journal of E-working, 2008, 2(1):81-94 |
The Mobile Phone as a Tool in Family Life: Impact on Planning of Everyday Activities and Car Use | Randi Hjorthol | Transport Reviews, 2008, 28(3):303-320 |
Teleworking in some Norwegian urban areas - motives and transport effects | Randi Hjorthol | Urban Geography, 2006, 27(7):610-627 |
Gentrification in Norway. Capital, culture and convenience. | Randi Hjorthol, Torkel Bjørnskau | European Urban and Regional Studies, 2005, 12(4):353-371 |
Kan utviklingen i mobilitet og reisevaner fortelle noe om likestilling? . | Randi Hjorthol | Kvinner, køn og forskning, 2005, 13(1):18-30 |
Gentrifisering på norsk - urban livsstil eller praktisk organisering av hverdagslivet? | Torkel Bjørnskau, Randi Hjorthol | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 2003, 44(2):169-201 |
Testing the accuracy of collected geoinformation in the Norwegian Personal Travel Survey - experiences from a pilot study. | Jon Martin Denstadli, Randi Hjorthol | Journal of Transport Geography, 2003, 11(1):47-54 |
Cultural aspects of the car and public transport. Men's and women's perception | Randi Hjorthol | Raum Planung, 2002, June:144-149 |
The relation between daily travel and use of the home computer | Randi Hjorthol | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2002, 36:437-452 |
Gendered Aspects of Time Related to Everyday Journeys | Randi Hjorthol | Acta Sociologica, 2001, 44(1):37-49 |
Same city different options. An analysis of the work trips of married couples in the metropolitan area of Oslo. | Randi Hjorthol | Journal of Transport Geography, 2000, 8:213-220 |
Kvinners og menns oppfatning av transportmidlenes egenskaper og symbolverdi | Randi Hjorthol | Sosiologisk tidsskrift, 1999, (2):113-132 |
Reurbanisation and its potential for the reduction of car use. An analysis of preferences of residence, activity - and travel pattern in the Oslo area | Randi Hjorthol | Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 1998, 15(4):211-226 |
Artikler i fag-/bransjetidsskrift
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Oslos ytterområder: Dårlig kollektivtilbud og gratis jobbparkering forhindrer klimagevinst | Randi Hjorthol, Tom Erik Julsrud | Samferdsel, 2015, 54(6):10-11 |
Barn kjøres mer til organisert sport enn til skolen | Randi Hjorthol, Susanne Nordbakke | Samferdsel, 2015, 54(5):10-11 |
Kunnskapsgrunnlag for gåstrategi i Kristiansand | Julie Runde Krogstad, Randi Hjorthol, Aud Tennøy | Plan, 2013, 6:48-53 |
Miljøbevisste ble trigget til å reise mer miljøriktig | Randi Hjorthol, Liva Vågane, Jon Martin Denstadli, Rolf Hagman | Samferdsel, 2013, 52(7):14 |
Glatte fortauer og uforsiktige syklister skremmer, men: Enkle tiltak kan få eldre til å gå mer | Julie Runde Krogstad, Randi Hjorthol, Aud Tennøy | Samferdsel, 2013, 52(5):6-7 |
De daglige reisene i et 25-årsperspektiv: Vi bruker bilen mer, men går og sykler mindre | Randi Hjorthol | Samferdsel, 2012, 51(5):10-11 |
En aldrende befolknings krav til transportsystemet | Randi Hjorthol | Samferdsel, 2011, 50(4):4-5 |
Vitenskapelige bøker/kapitler, etc.
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Old age and the importance of the car in maintaining activity patterns in Scandinavia | Randi Hjorthol, Susanne Nordbakke | I: Robert Hickman, Moshe Givoni, Daniel Bonilla, David Banister:Handbook on Transport and Development, s. CheltenhamEdward Elgar Publishing , 2015 |
Transport og mobilitet | Randi Hjorthol | I: Redaktører: Hanssen, G.s., Klausen, J. E., Langeland, O.:Det regionale Norge 1950 til 2050, s. OsloAbstrakt forlag , 2012 |
Daily mobility of men and women - a barometer of gender equality? | Randi Hjorthol | I: Tanu Priya Uteng, Tim Cresswell (eds.):Gendered Mobilities, s. AldershotAshgate , 2008 |
Den mobile hverdag: Kommunikasjon og koordinering i moderne barnefamilier | Susanne Nordbakke, Randi Hjorthol | I: Marika Lüders, Lin Prøitz og Terje Rasmussen (red.):Personlige medier : livet mellom skjermene, s. OsloGyldendal Akademisk , 2007 |
Forskjeller i bostedspreferanser og arbeidsreiser i indre og ytre deler av norske bosteder. I Barlindhaug, R. (red) | Randi Hjorthol, Torkel Bjørnskau | I: Rolf Barlindhaug (red.):Storbyens boligmarked - drivkrefter, rammebetingelser og handlingsvalg, s. OsloScandinavian academic press , 2005 |
The relation between motives and frequency of telework: A qualitative study from the Oslo region on telework and transport effects. In: Timmermans, H (ed) | Randi Hjorthol | I: Harry Timmermans (Ed.):Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, s. AmsterdamElsevier Science , 2005 |
Andre rapporter, bøker, papers etc.
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Increasing the Competitiveness of E-vehicles in Europe | Erik Figenbaum, Nils Fearnley, Paul Pfaffenbichler, Randi Hjorthol, Marika Kolbenstvedt, Bettina Emmerling, Reinhard Jellinek, G. Maarten Bonnema, Farideh Ramjerdi, Lykke Møller Iversen | I: European Transport Conference 2014. Campus Westend, Frankfurt, Germany - 29 september 2014Association for European Transport , 2014 |
Measures to enhance mobility among older people in Scandinavia : A literature review of best practice | Lena Levin, Pål Ulleberg, Anu Sirén, Randi Hjorthol | Linköping: Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut , 2012 |
Mobility in daily life. A study of the interplay between the car and mobile telephone in the organisation of everyday life. | Randi Hjorthol | I: Paper to 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Amsterdam 2005. , 2005 |
Teleworking in some Norwegian urban areas - motives and transport effects. | Randi Hjorthol | I: Paper to the International Specialist Meeting on ICT, Everyday Life and Urban Change, Nov 4-7 2004, Doorn, The Netherlands , 2004 |
Motives for teleworking and the effects on mobility in an urban area. | Randi Hjorthol | I: Paper to the 30th Congress for International Geographical Union, 15-20 August, 2004, Glasgow. , 2004 |
Virtuell mobilitet, løsningen på våre trafikale problemer. | Randi Hjorthol | I: Invitert plenumsforedrag til Nordisk Veiteknisk Forbunds konferanse Via Nordica, 6-10 juni 2004, KøbenhavnKøbenhavn , 2004 |
Environmental consequences of changes in travel behaviour among men and women. | Randi Hjorthol | I: The sixth conference on the European Sociological Association, September 23-26, 2003, Murcia, Spain , 2003 |
Gendered aspects of tavel behaviour development - are the differences disapperaring? | Randi Hjorthol | I: European Transport Converence, Strasbourg, 9.-10. oktober. 2003 , 2003 |
Can reurbanisation and gentrification reduce the environmental problems of car use in urban areas? | Randi Hjorthol | I: World Congress of Sociology (ISA), Brisbane, Australia, 7.-12. July 2002. , 2002 |
Mobilitet i en aldrende befolkning, | Randi Hjorthol | I: H. Lahrmann og J. Nielsen (red.):Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 2000. (Konfranserapport Bind 2), s. Aalborg , 2000 |
Les changement dans les modes de déplacement des personnes agées (changes in elderly persons’ modes of travel) in CEMT (ECMT) | Randi Hjorthol, Fridulv Sagberg | I: Transport et vieillissement de la population(Transport and the Aging of the Population). (Round Table 112), s. ParisEuropean Conference of Ministers of Transport , 2000 |
Changes in elderly person' modes of travel | Randi Hjorthol, Fridulv Sagberg | I: Transport and the aging of the population. (Round Table 112), s. ParisOECD , 2000 |
Kvinner og menns hverdagsreiser, likheter og forskjeller. | Randi Hjorthol | I: VTI:s och KFB:s forskardagar: del 5. Rapportsammanställning av föredrag vid forskardagarna i Linköping 13.-14. januar 1999, beträffande: transportpolitik och samhällsekonomi - kollektivtrafik och samhällsbetalda resorLinköpingKommunikationsforskningsberedningen och Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut , 1999 |
Hva mener befolkning og politikere om ulike miljøtiltak? | Randi Hjorthol | I: Nordisk Vegteknisk forbund, Foredragssamling, Via Nordica, Bergen 4.-6. juni 1996.OsloVegdirektoratet , 1996 |