How Testing Impacts Willingness to Use and Share Autonomous Shuttles with Strangers: The Mediating Effects of Trust and Optimism |
Aasvik, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker, Pål Ulleberg, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2024, :1-16 |
“Game over” for autonomous shuttles in mixed traffic? Results from field surveys among pedestrians and cyclists on how they interact with autonomous shuttles in real-life traffic in Norway |
Bjørnskau, Ole
Aasvik, Tim De Ceunynck, Aslak
Fyhri, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker, Carl Johnsson, Aliaksei
Laureshyn |
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2023, 18(March,, 100781):1-15 |
External communication of automated shuttles: Results, experiences, and lessons learned from three European long-term research projects |
Alexander G. Mirnig, Magdalena Gärtner, Peter Fröhlich, Vivien Wallner, Anna Sjörs Dahlman, Anna Anund, Petr
Pokorny, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Ole
Aasvik, Cansu Demir, Jakub Sypniewski
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2022, 9(October 2022):1-26 |
Interact or counteract? Behavioural observation of interactions between vulnerable road users and autonomous shuttles in Oslo, Norway |
Tim De Ceunynck, Brecht Pelssers, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Ole
Aasvik, Aslak
Fyhri, Aliaksei
Laureshyn, Carl Johnsson, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker, Heike Martensen
Traffic Safety Research an Interdisciplinary Journal, 2022, 2:1-24 |
Does age matter? Examining age-dependent differences in at-fault collisions after attending a refresher course for older drivers |
Pål Ulleberg, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Knut Inge Fostervold
Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 2022, 87:379-390 |
The development of cycling in European countries since 1990 |
Paul Schepers, Marco Helbich, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker, Bas de Geus, Marco Dozza, Niels Agerholm, Anna Niska, Noora Airaksinen, Francis Papon, Regine Gerike, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Rachel Aldred
The European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (EJTIR), 2021, 21(2):41-70 |
Video observation of encounters between the automated shuttles and other traffic participants along an approach to right-hand priority T-intersection |
Pokorny, Belma Skender, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Marjan Paula
Hagenzieker |
European Transport Research Review, 2021, 13(59):1-13 |
Cyclists’ perception of maintenance and operation of cycling infrastructure – results from a Norwegian survey |
Aasvik, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12(July 2021):1-11 |
Competence, equipment and behavioural adaptation on Norwegian winter roads: A comparison of foreign and Norwegian HGV drivers |
Nævestad, Fridulv
Sagberg, Gunhild Meyer Levlin, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2021, 77(February 2021):257-273 |
Gender differences in accident risk with e-bikes—Survey data from Norway |
Fyhri, Ole
Aasvik, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 132(105248):8 |
Safety culture among bus drivers in Norway and Greece |
Nævestad, Ross Owen
Phillips, Alexandra Laiou, Torkel
Bjørnskau, George Yannis
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2019, 64(July 2019):323-341 |
Safety Culture among Private and Professional Drivers in Norway and Greece: Examining the Influence of National Road Safety Culture |
Nævestad, Alexandra Laiou, Ross Owen
Phillips, Torkel
Bjørnskau, George Yannis
Safety, 2019, 5(2):20 |
Risk of pedestrian falls in Oslo, Norway: Relation to age, gender and walking surface condition |
Elvik, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Journal of Transport & Health, 2019, 12(March 2019):359-370 |
Safety in numbers for cyclists—conclusions from a multidisciplinary study of seasonal change in interplay and conflicts |
Fyhri, Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Aliaksei
Laureshyn |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016, 105(Aug 2016):Safety in numbers for cyclists—conclusions from a multidisciplinary study of seasonal change in interplay and conflicts |
Shared road is double happiness: Evaluation of a “Share the road” sign |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Aslak
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 2016, online:9 s |
Shared road is double happiness: Evaluation of a “Share the road” sign |
Alena Katharina
Høye, Aslak
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2016, online:9 s |
Safety-in-numbers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of evidence |
Elvik, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Safety Science, 2015, 92:274-282 |
The Zebra Crossing Game - Using game theory to explain a discrepancy between roadu user behaviour and traffic rules |
Bjørnskau |
Safety Science, 2015, 92:298-301 |
Organizational contradictions between safety and security -perceived challenges and ways of integrating critical infrastructure protection in civil aviation |
Kenneth A. Pettersen, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Safety Science, 2015, 71:167-177 |
An international review of the frequency of single-bicycle crashes (SBCs) and their relation to bicycle modal share |
Paul Schepers, Niels Agerholm, Emanuelle Amoros, Rob Benington, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Stijn Doht, Bas de Geus, Carmen Hagemeister, Becky Loo, Anna Niska
Injury Prevention, 2015, 21:E138-E143 |
Safety outcomes of internationalization of domestic road haulage: a review of the literature |
Nævestad, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Inger Beate
Hovi, Ross Owen
Phillips |
Transport Reviews, 2014, 34(6):691-709 |
Traffic safety culture among bicyclists – Results from a Norwegian study |
Nævestad, Beate
Elvebakk, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Safety Science, 2014, 70:29-40 |
Bicycle helmets - A case of risk compensation? |
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Agathe Backer-Grøndahl
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2012, 15(5):612-624 |
Acceptability of traffic safety measures with personal privacy implications |
Louise Eriksson, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2012, 15(3):333-347 |
Oil spill risk analysis of routeing heavy ship traffic in Norwegian Waters |
Muhammad Juned Akhtar, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Viggo Jean-Hansen
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 2012, 11(2):233-247 |
Traffic safety among motorcyclists in Norway: A study of subgroups and risk factors |
Bjørnskau, Tor-Olav
Nævestad, Muhammad Juned Akhtar
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012, 49:50-57 |
How can the safety culture perspective be applied to road traffic? |
Nævestad, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Transport Reviews, 2012, 32(2):139-154 |
Public's trade-off between a new risk-based airport screening and asserted terror risk impact: a stated choice survey from Norway |
Veisten, Stefan
Flügel, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2011, 1(2):11-20 |
Reduction in car-bicycle conflict at a road-cycle path intersection: Evidence of road user adaptation? |
Ross Owen
Phillips, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Rolf
Hagman, Fridulv
Sagberg |
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2011, 14:87-95 |
Assessing security measures reducing terrorist risk: inverse ex post cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses of Norwegian airports and seaports |
Muhammad Juned Akhtar, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Knut
Veisten |
Journal of Transportation Security, 2010, 3(3):179-195 |
Total costs of bicycle injuries in Norway: correcting injury figures and indicating data needs. |
Veisten, Kjartan Sælensminde, Kari Alvær, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Rune
Elvik, Trude Schistad, Børge Ytterstad
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2007, 39(6):1162-1169 |
Hazard perception and driving experience among novice drivers. |
Sagberg, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2006, 38(2):407-414 |
Road Traffic Change - a Catalyst for Segregation? |
Bjørnskau |
Urban Studies, 2005, 42(1):68-89 |
How accurately does the public perceive differences in transport risks? An exploratory analysis of scales representing perceived risk |
Elvik, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2005, 37(6):1005-1011 |
Gentrification in Norway. Capital, culture and convenience. |
Hjorthol, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
European Urban and Regional Studies, 2005, 12(4):353-371 |
Traffic education for children with a tabletop model |
Fyhri, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Pål Ulleberg
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2004, 7(4-5):197-207 |
A shorter workday as a means of reducing the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders. |
E L Wergeland, B Veiersted, M Ingre, B Olsson, T Åkerstedt, Torkel
Bjørnskau, N Varg
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2003, 29:27-34 |
Risk Compensation the case of road lighting |
Assum, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Fridulv
Sagberg, Stein Fosser
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1999, 31(5):545-553 |
The Work Approach in Norway - Aims, Measures and Results. |
Bjørnskau, Espen Dahl, Jens B Grøgaard
Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 1997, (8):136-154 |
Why are the safest norms, attitudes and types of behavour not typical for the safest drivers? |
Bjørnskau |
Transport Reviews, 1996, 16(2):169-181 |