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  • > Fatigue in operators of land- and sea-based transport forms in Norway. Risk Profiles Fatigue in Transport Report IV

Fatigue in operators of land- and sea-based transport forms in Norway. Risk Profiles Fatigue in Transport Report IV

Authors: Ross Owen Phillips, Fridulv Sagberg, Torkel Bjørnskau
Report nr: 1440/2015
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1667-0
Language: English
Attachments Summary
Full report

Relatively little is known about fatigue in human transport operators in Norway, even though it might explain substantial shares of dangerous incidents and accidents. This report surveys fatigue and fatigue risks among operators of different road, rail and sea transport forms in Norway. Analysis of the combined results for all operators (n=1776) shows that 29 per cent have slept or dropped off while operating, at least once during the three months preceding the survey. 14 per cent report getting less than 12 hours sleep in the 48 hours preceding their last operating period. Mapping of fatigue risks using the Fatigue Risk Trajectory shows that different operators face unique and contrasting sets of challenges, depending on which sectors and subsectors they work in. Comparative analyses show that fatigue during the final operating hour is highest for operators in the rail sector, followed by maritime watch officers, and professional drivers in road transport. On interpreting our findings, one should account for demographic differences among respondent groups, as well as the fact that they probably resemble to varying extents the operator populations they are supposed to represent.


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