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  • > Fail or pass. An investigation into factors influencing the results of driver licence tests.

Fail or pass. An investigation into factors influencing the results of driver licence tests.

Authors: Torkel Bjørnskau
Report nr: 662/2003
ISBN: 82-480-0361-2
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

Driver candidates and examiners from different local roads administrations conducted the driving test at one driving route in and around the city of Moss. Each candidate was evaluated by two examiners and the evaluations differed significantly. The most important explanatory factors seem to be gender and experience of the examiner. The candidates, however, differed according to traffc environment. Candidates from Oslo made relatively more errors during driving on rural roads, whereas candidates from outside the cities made more errors when driving in city traffic. Age of candidate and number of driving lessons at driving schools were however the most important explanatory variables. Candidates above 19 years of age and candidates with many driving lessons had signifcantly poorer results on the driving test than others.


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