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Rolf Hagman
Academic articles
Title | Authors | Publication |
Facilitating adoption of electric buses through policy: Learnings from a trial in Norway | Rebecca Jayne Thorne, Inger Beate Hovi, Erik Figenbaum, Daniel Ruben Pinchasik, Astrid Helene Amundsen, Rolf Hagman | Energy Policy, 2021, 155(August 2021, Article 112310):1 |
Reduction in car-bicycle conflict at a road-cycle path intersection: Evidence of road user adaptation? | Ross Owen Phillips, Torkel Bjørnskau, Rolf Hagman, Fridulv Sagberg | Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2011, 14:87-95 |
Effects of route guidance Variable Message Signs (VMS) on driver behaviour. | Alena Katharina Høye, Fridulv Sagberg, Rolf Hagman | Transportation Research Part F: Traffic psychology and behaviour, 2007, 10(6):447-457 |