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  • > Emission from vehicles with Euro 6/VI technology. Results from the measurement programme in EMIROAD 2014

Emission from vehicles with Euro 6/VI technology. Results from the measurement programme in EMIROAD 2014

Authors: Christian Weber, Rolf Hagman, Astrid Helene Amundsen
Report nr: 1405/2015
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1622-9
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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Emissions from six city buses and two trucks with Euro VI engine is tested. We have recently also tested two diesel and two petrol cars (Euro 6). Results indicate that buses and heavy vehicles with Euro VI technology has achieved substantial reductions in emissions of NOx compared to vehicles with Euro V engines. The same does not apply to Euro 6 diesel cars. They have reduced the NOx level somewhat at 23 °C compared to Euro 5. But in real traffic the emission level is higher than the limit value and can under Nordic winter conditions be up to 25 times higher than the limit value for NOx. Cars with petrol motor however, show barely measurable emissions of NOx. All the tested vehicles have low emissions of particulate matter and other regulated emissions. The results of the vehicles tested in 2014 largely confirm the results of the earlier tests carried out in 2013.


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