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85 g CO2/km in 2020 - Is that achievable?

Authors: Erik Figenbaum, Gunnar S. Eskeland, Jonathan Leonardsen, Rolf Hagman
Report nr: 1264/2013
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1433-1
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

The Norwegian Parliaments target to reduce new passenger vehicles average CO2-emission to 85 g/km (type-approval value) in 2020, can be achieved by reforms in the vehicle registration tax. In three out of four scenarios the target is reached directly. The fourth requires further actions. Achieving the target will result in a 35% reduction of the average emission level of new vehicles in 2012. This is due to the increased demand for vehicles with lower CO2-emissions and the increase in market share of Electric and Plug-in Hybrid vehicles induced by the tax reform. A gradual introduction of the reform will reduce the drawbacks and cost for consumers and dealers because the availability of vehicles with low emissions increases over time.


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