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ED95 – A fuel for HDV

Authors: Rolf Hagman, Astrid Helene Amundsen
Report nr: 1373/2014
ISBN: 978-82-480-1118-7
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1588-8
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

ED95 is a fuel used in Scania’s ethanol engines for Heavy Duty Vehicles, HDV. ED95 is a mixture of 95% ethanol and additives that make it possible to use this fuel in Scania compression ignition engines (diesel engines). The main argument for ethanol as a fuel is the possibility for reduction of climate impact in a life cycle assessment (measured as emitted CO2-eqv). This project show that ED95 based on ethanol produced from Norwegian wood at Borregaard Industries, and used as fuel in Scania trucks gives a reduction in the climate impact with 82% compared to refined diesel from mineral oil. The distribution company ASKO has experienced that ED95 and Scania ED95 trucks provide reliable transport. However, the daily costs were 20% higher compared to conventional trucks with a refined diesel from mineral oil.


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