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  • > Towards a national indicator for noise exposure and annoyance. Part II: Mapping changes in noise annoyance to monitor the efficacy of noise reduction efforts

Towards a national indicator for noise exposure and annoyance. Part II: Mapping changes in noise annoyance to monitor the efficacy of noise reduction efforts

Authors: Ronny Klæboe, Torkel Bjørnskau
Report nr: 1173/2000
Language: English
Attachments Summary
Full report

From a noise exposure mapping at the national level established by Statistics Norway, a system for charing changes in noise annoyance is sketched. By means of noise neighbourhood modelling and stratification of Norway, 40+ representative study areas are selected. The results are analysed by means of a mulltilevel hierarchic structural level exposure-effect model. such models take care of both the effects of noise exposure and factors associated with inter-area differences. Establishing measurement instruments and controlling for modifying factors ensure that the effect of noise exposure changes on noise annoyance can be assessed and the efficacy of noise abatement efforts to be monitored.


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