Authors: | Aslak Fyhri, Fridulv Sagberg, Torkel Bjørnskau, Katrine Karlsen |
Report nr: | 1790/2020 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-2310-4 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary - in Norwegian only Full report - in Norwegian only |
As part of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration's project "Bicycle Pilots", TØI has evaluated the measure "long left turn" in signalised intersections. The measure includes marking of a waiting box for cyclists as well as signs before the junction to show left turns in two phases. The evaluation was conducted in three intersections at Ring 2 in Oslo. A pre- and post-study with video recordings and interviews with cyclists showed a doubling of the proportion that took a long left turn from before to after the measure was introduced, despite the fact that the measure causes a significant increase in the time it takes to cycle through the intersection. The survey also showed that the proportion of cyclists who were satisfied with how the intersection functions increased significantly after the introduction of the measure. One in four cyclists strongly agreed that the measure had made it safer for them to cycle through the intersection.