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Frode Longva
Academic articles
Title | Authors | Publication |
Contracting accountability in network governance structures | Lisa Hansson, Frode Longva | Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 2014, 11(2):92-110 |
Increased coordination in public transport - which mechanisms are available? | Claus Hedegaard Sørensen, Frode Longva | Transport Policy, 2011, 18(1):117-125 |
Workshop report - A successful contractural setting | John Stanley, Frode Longva | Research in Transportation Economics, 2010, 29:80-88 |
Regulating The Regulator: The Impact Of Professional Procuring Bodies On Local Public Transport Policy And Its Effectiveness | Frode Longva, Oddgeir Osland | Research in Transportation Economics, 2010, 29(1):118-123 |
Norwegian experiences with tendered bus-services | Jon-Terje Bekken, Frode Longva, Nils Fearnley, Oddgeir Osland | European Transport, 2006, 33:29-40 |
Academic books/ chapters, etc.
Title | Authors | Publication |
The impact of deregulation on infrastructure investment decisions - a comparison between Sweden and Norway | Jørgen Aarhaug, Gunnar Alexandersson, Staffan Hultén, Frode Longva | I: European Transport Conference (AET/PTRC), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 10 -12 October 2011 , 2011 |
Safety culture in bus transport compared to rail and air transport | Torkel Bjørnskau, Frode Longva | I: 15th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 28-30 March 2010LinköpingVTI , 2010 |
Other reports, books, papers etc.
Title | Authors | Publication |
Innovations for sustainable public transport. Experiences and challenges in the Scandinavian countries | Robert Hrelja, Lisa Hansson, Tim Richardson, Tomas Svensson, Enza Lissandrello, Petter Næss, Aud Tennøy, Frode Longva | Linköping: VTI , 2013 |
The slow track to success: Organisation and performance of the Norwegian rail passenger transport tender | Silvia Johanne Olsen, Jørgen Aarhaug, Frode Longva | I: Thredbo 12 , 2011 |
The impact of deregulation and cost-benefit analyses on infrastructure investment decisions - a comparison between Sweden and Norway | Jørgen Aarhaug, Gunnar Alexandersson, Staffan Hultén, Frode Longva | I: Contemporary Issues in CBA in the Transport Sector , 2011 |
Creating transport policy packages without unwanted effects | Florian Kressler, Nils Fearnley, H. Gudmundsson, Frode Longva | I: Transport Research Arena Europe (TRA conference)Brussels , 2010 |
Impact of regulation on the performances of long distance transport services: a comparison of the different approaches in Sweden and Norway | Gunnar Alexandersson, Nils Fearnley, Staffan Hultén, Frode Longva | I: International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (The Thredbo Series)Delft, The Netherlands , 2009 |
Organizing trust. On the institutional underpinning and erosion of trust in different organizational forms in public transport | Frode Longva, Oddgeir Osland | I: Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger TransportAmsterdamElsevier , 2007 |
Competitive tendering contracts: Why is Norway lagging behind? | Trine Hagen, Frode Longva | I: 9th conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (THREDBO 9), Lisboa, 1st September 2005 , 2005 |
Trends in Taxi Regulation | Jon-Terje Bekken, Frode Longva | I: Paper presented at the European Transport Conference 2004 in Strasbourg, France, organised by AET/PTRC, 4-6 October 2004 , 2004 |
Competitive Tendering and Performance-Based Subsidies - Experiences in Dutch and Norwegian Bus Transport | Frode Longva, Jon-Terje Bekken, Bård Norheim | I: European Transport Conference (AET/PTRC). Strasbourg, France, 4-6 October 2004 , 2004 |
Impact of taxi market regulation, An international comparison (Annex J) | Jon-Terje Bekken, Frode Longva | I: The regulation of licensed taxi and PHV services in the UK,, s. S.l.[Office of Fair Trading] , 2003 |