Authors: | Frode Longva, Oddgeir Osland, Trine Hagen |
Report nr: | 908/2007 |
ISBN: | 978-82-480-0787-6 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-0788-3 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Hele rapporten Sammendrag |
The report presents an evaluation of trials with team organisation among bus drivers in Norway. The participating companies report, incidence of falling sick leave amongst their drivers during the 3 years trial period, and more so in units where teams have been implemented than elsewhere. The affected drivers report higher job satisfaction and work latitude as a consequence of team intervention. There are, however, variations in how the teams are implemented and designed. This seems to influence their effect on drivers’ wellbeing. The study thus concludes that team organisation can hardly be viewed as a uniform measure for improved work environment and reduced sickleaves. Team building must be combined with other measures for improved working conditions and adopted to local variations in order to have positive impact.