Healthy persuasion: a values-based messaging approach to air travel decision-making |
James Higham, Knut
Veisten, Iratxe
Landa-Mata, Eivind
Farstad, Debbie Hopkins, Yi Bian
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2024, Latest articles:1-25 |
Cost-benefit assessments of an e-bike subvention programme in Oslo, Norway |
Veisten, Aslak
Fyhri, Askill Harkjerr
Halse, Hanne Beate
Sundfør |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2024, 180(February, 103974):1-14 |
Will people prefer future travel with battery-powered airplanes? |
Veisten, Paal Brevik
Wangsness, Eivind
Farstad, Inga Margrete
Ydersbond |
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2024, 126:1-17 |
How does activity specialization affect nature-based tourism package choice? |
Kathrin Stemmer, Peter Fredman, Kreg Anders Lindberg, Knut
Veisten |
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2023, 23(5):412-433 |
Attitudinal drivers of home bias in public preferences for transboundary nature protected areas |
Sviataslau Valasiuk, Mikołaj Czajkowski, Marek Giergiczny, Tomasz Żylicz, Knut
Veisten, Iratxe
Landa-Mata, Askill Harkjerr
Halse, Per Angelstam
Ecological Economics, 2023, 208:1-12 |
The LEVITATE policy support tool of connected and automated transport systems |
Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Julia Roussou, Amna Chaudhry, Bin Hu, Martin Zach, Maria Oikonomou, Knut
Veisten, Knut Johannes Liland
Hartveit, Mark Brackstone, Eleni Vlahogianni, Pete Thomas, George Yannis
Transportation Research Procedia, 2023, 72:1113-1120 |
The impacts of automated urban delivery and consolidation |
Bin Hu, Wolfgang Ponweiser, Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Julia Roussou, Amna Chaudhry, Maria Oikonomou, Sarah Gebhard, Rins de Zwart, Charles Goldenbeld, Govert Schermers, Wendy Weijermars, Knut
Veisten, Knut Johannes Liland
Hartveit, Mark Brackstone, Pete Thomas, George Yannis
Transportation Research Procedia, 2023, 72:2542–2549 |
Assessing recreation specialization to guide nature-based tourism development: a hybrid choice model of birder site preferences |
Kathrin Stemmer, Øystein Aas, Knut
Veisten, Kreg Anders Lindberg
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 2022, 39:1-20 |
The effect of health benefits on the value of travel time savings in active transport |
Flügel, Knut
Veisten, Hanne Beate
Sundfør, Guri Natalie
Jordbakke, Nina
Hulleberg, Askill Harkjerr
Halse |
Journal of Transport & Health, 2021, 21:1-15 |
Exploring the relationship between the built environment, trip chain complexity, and auto mode choice, applying a large national data set |
Grue, Knut
Veisten, Øystein
Engebretsen |
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2020, 5:1-11 |
The flight is valuable regardless of the carbon tax scheme: a contingent valuation survey of Norwegian leisure air travelers |
Jon Martin
Denstadli, Knut
Veisten |
Tourism Management, 2020, 81:1-12 |
A comparison of bus passengers' and car drivers' valuation of casualty risk reductions in their routes |
Flügel, Knut
Veisten, Luis I. Rizzi, Juan de Dios Ortúzar, Rune
Elvik |
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 122:63-75 |
Analyzing the deeper motivations for nature-based tourism facility demand: a hybrid choice model of preferences for a reindeer visitor center |
Kreg Anders Lindberg, Knut
Veisten, Askill Harkjerr
Halse |
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2019, 19(2):1-18 |
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable? A discrete choice experiment applied to the Scandinavian transboundary Fulufjället national park area |
Sviataslau Valasiuk, Mikołaj Czajkowski, Marek Giergiczny, Tomasz Żylicz, Knut
Veisten, Iratxe
Landa-Mata, Askill Harkjerr
Halse, Marine Elbakidze, Per Angelstam
Restoration Ecology, 2018, 26(2):370-380 |
Are bilateral conservation policies for the Białowieża forest unattainable? Analysis of stated preferences of Polish and Belarusian public |
Sviataslau Valasiuk, Mikołaj Czajkowski, Marek Giergiczny, Tomasz Żylicz, Knut
Veisten, Marine Elbakidze, Per Angelstam
Journal of Forest Economics, 2017, 27:70-79 |
Tourist segments for new facilities in national park areas: profiling tourists in Norway based on psychographics and demographics |
Veisten, Jan Vidar
Haukeland, Sjur Baardsen, Heidi Degnes-Ødemark, Berit
Grue |
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 2015, 24(5):486-510 |
Asymmetric preferences for road safety: evidence from a stated choice experiment among car drivers |
Flügel, Rune
Elvik, Knut
Veisten, Luis I. Rizzi, Sunniva Frislid
Meyer, Farideh
Ramjerdi, Juan de Dios Ortúzar
Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 2015, 31:112–123 |
Car drivers’ valuation of landslide risk reductions |
Flügel, Luis I. Rizzi, Knut
Veisten, Rune
Elvik, Juan de Dios Ortúzar
Safety Science, 2015, 77:1-9 |
Valuation of cycling facilities with and without controlling for casualty risk |
Flügel, Farideh
Ramjerdi, Knut
Veisten, Marit
Killi, Rune
Elvik |
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2015, 9(5):364-376 |
The role of psychographic factors in nature-based tourist expenditure |
Veisten, Kreg Anders Lindberg, Berit
Grue, Jan Vidar
Haukeland |
Tourism Economics, 2014, 20(2):301-321 |
Logistics costs in Norway: comparing industry survey results against calculations based on a freight transport model |
Hansen, Inger Beate
Hovi, Knut
Veisten |
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2014, 17(6):485-502 |
Valuing casualty risk reductions from estimated baseline risk |
Veisten, Stefan
Flügel, Luis I. Rizzi, Juan de Dios Ortúzar, Rune
Elvik |
Research in Transportation Economics, 2013, 43(1):50-61 |
Standing in cost-benefit analysis of road safety measures: a case of speed enforcement vs. speed change |
Veisten, Christian Stefan, Martin Winkelbauer
Transport Policy, 2013, 30:269-274 |
Is law enforcement of drug-impaired driving cost-efficient? An explorative study of a methodology for cost-benefit analysis |
Veisten, Sjoerd Houwing, René M.P.M. Mathijssen, Muhammad Juned Akhtar
International Journal of Drug Policy, 2013, 24(2):122-134 |
Visitors' acceptance of negative ecological impacts in national parks: comparing the explanatory power of psychographic scales in a Norwegian mountain setting |
Jan Vidar
Haukeland, Knut
Veisten, Berit
Grue, Odd Inge Vistad
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2013, 21(2):291-313 |
Measuring the economic value of nature and national parks: indirect valuations from travel cost method and tourism satellite accounts |
Veisten, Petter
Dybedal, Berit
Grue |
International Journal of Tourism Policy, 2012, 4(4):317-335 |
Local and non-local preferences for nature tourism facility development |
Kreg Anders Lindberg, Knut
Veisten |
Tourism Management Perspectives, 2012, 4:215-222 |
Valuation of green walls and green roofs as soundscape measures: including monetised amenity values together with noise-attenuation values in a cost-benefit analysis of a green wall affecting courtyards |
Veisten, Yuliya Smyrnova, Ronny
Klæboe, Maarten Hornikx, Marjan Mosslemi, Jian Kang
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2012, 9(11):3770-3788 |
Cycling and walking for transport: estimating net health effects from comparison of different transport mode users' self-reported physical activity |
Veisten, Stefan
Flügel, Farideh
Ramjerdi, Harald
Minken |
Health Economics Review, 2011, 1(3):1-9 |
Collecting data by internet on stated preference for transport supply: three case studies on survey mode comparison |
Åse Nossum, Knut
Veisten |
Transport and Telecommunication, 2011, 12(1):16-24 |
Contingent valuation of improved waste management: the case of a tourist town in a developing country |
Veisten, Miosotis Rivas Peña, Wagner R. Gomera
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2011, 7(3/4):316-334 |
An exploratory study of eco-oriented consumer segments at a retail store |
Birger Solberg, Knut
Veisten |
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2011, 10(2):137-152 |
Public's trade-off between a new risk-based airport screening and asserted terror risk impact: a stated choice survey from Norway |
Veisten, Stefan
Flügel, Torkel
Bjørnskau |
Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2011, 1(2):11-20 |
Impacts of combining partial and general equilibrium modelling in freight transport analyses - a forest sector case study from Norway |
Inger Beate
Hovi, Anne
Madslien, Hanne K Sjølie, Birger Solberg, Erik Trømborg, Knut
Veisten |
Transportation Planning and Technology, 2011, 34(3):259-276 |
Selecting road-noise abatement measures: economic analysis of different policy objectives |
Klæboe, Knut
Veisten, Astrid Helene
Amundsen, Muhammad Juned Akhtar
Open Transportation Journal, 2011, 5:1-8 |
Cost-benefit analysis of low-noise pavements: dust into the calculations |
Veisten, Muhammad Juned Akhtar
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2011, 12(1):75-86 |
Turning national parks into tourism attractions: nature orientation and quest for facilities |
Jan Vidar
Haukeland, Berit
Grue, Knut
Veisten |
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2010, 10(3):248-271 |
Assessing security measures reducing terrorist risk: inverse ex post cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses of Norwegian airports and seaports |
Muhammad Juned Akhtar, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Knut
Veisten |
Journal of Transportation Security, 2010, 3(3):179-195 |
Assessing conceptions of cost-benefit analysis among road safety decision-makers: misunderstandings or disputes? |
Veisten, Rune
Elvik, Charlotte Bax
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2010, 28(1):57-67 |
Eco-labelling of wood, and its effectiveness in consumer guidance and conservation |
Veisten |
CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 2009, 4(70):1-18 |
Total costs of injury from accidents in the home and during education, sports and leisure activities: estimates for Norway with assessment of uncertainty. |
Veisten, Åse Nossum, Muhammad Juned Akhtar
European Journal of Health Economics, 2009, 10(3):337-346 |
Economic and environmental impacts of transport cost changes on timber and forest product markets in Norway. |
Erik Trømborg, Hanne K Sjølie, Birger Solberg, Inger Beate
Hovi, Anne
Madslien, Knut
Veisten |
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2009, 24(4):354-366 |
Knowledge utilisation in road safety policy: barriers to the use of knowledge from economic analysis |
Charlotte Bax, Rune
Elvik, Knut
Veisten |
Knowledge, Technology and Policy, 2009, 22(4):275-285 |
Identifying the market segments for eco-labelled wood. |
Veisten, Elisabeth Gill, Birger Solberg
International Journal of Green Economics, 2008, 2(2):190-209 |
Combining choice experiments with contingent valuation and the Frisch elicitation method. |
Fearnley, Kjartan Sælensminde, Knut
Veisten |
International Journal of Transport Economics, 2008, 35(3):325-344 |
Willingness to pay for eco-labelled wood furniture: choice-based conjoint analysis versus open-ended contingent valuation. |
Veisten |
Journal of Forest Economics, 2007, 13(1):29-48 |
Total costs of bicycle injuries in Norway: correcting injury figures and indicating data needs. |
Veisten, Kjartan Sælensminde, Kari Alvær, Torkel
Bjørnskau, Rune
Elvik, Trude Schistad, Børge Ytterstad
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2007, 39(6):1162-1169 |
Contingent valuation controversies: philosophic debates about economic theory. |
Veisten |
Journal of Socio-Economics, 2007, 36(2):204-232 |
Lexicographic answering in travel choice: insufficient scale extensions and steep indifference curves? |
Killi, Åse Nossum, Knut
Veisten |
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 2007, 7(1):39-62 |
Lexicographic preference in biodiversity valuation: tests of inconsistencies and willingness to pay |
Veisten, Ståle Navrud, Johnny S. Y. Valen
Journal of Environmental Management and Planning, 2006, 49(2):167-180 |
Contingent valuation and actual payment for voluntarily provided passive-use values: assessing the effect of an induced truth-telling mechanism and elicitation formats |
Veisten, Ståle Navrud
Applied Economics, 2006, 38(7):735-756 |
Sequencing and the adding-up property in contingent valuation of endangered species |
Veisten, Hans Fredrik Hoen, Jon Strand
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2004, 29(4):419-433 |
Scope insensitivity in contingent valuation of complex environmental amenities |
Veisten, Hans Fredrik Hoen, Ståle Navrud, Jon Strand
Journal of Environmental Management, 2004, 73(4):317-331 |
Willingness to pay for certified wooden furniture: a market segment analysis |
Veisten, Birger Solberg
Wood and Fiber Science, 2004, 36(1):40-55 |
Potential demand for certified wood products in the United Kingdom and Norway |
Veisten |
Forest Science, 2002, 48(4):767-778 |