Increasing the Competitiveness of E-vehicles in Europe |
Figenbaum, Nils
Fearnley, Paul Pfaffenbichler, Randi
Hjorthol, Marika
Kolbenstvedt, Bettina Emmerling, Reinhard Jellinek, G. Maarten Bonnema, Farideh
Ramjerdi, Lykke Møller Iversen
I: European Transport Conference 2014. Campus Westend, Frankfurt, Germany - 29 september 2014Association for European Transport
, 2014 |
Incentives for increasing efficiency in the railway sector - the case of Norway |
Aarhaug, Silvia Johanne
Olsen, Farideh
Ramjerdi |
I: Thredbo 13 Workshop 5 The roles and responsibilities of government and operators
, 2013 |
Handling risk and irreversibility of transport interventions. |
Ramjerdi, Nils
Fearnley, Moshe Givoni, James Macmillen
I: European Transport ConferenceGlasgow, Scotland
, 2010 |
Passengers' valuations of accessibility of public transport. |
Fearnley, Stefan
Flügel, Marit
Killi, Merethe Dotterud Leiren, Åse Nossum, Farideh
Ramjerdi |
I: The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) biannual conferenceJaipur, India
, 2009 |
Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable transport. Proceedings of Seminar. COST 356 - EST - Wednesday 20 February 2008, TOI, Oslo, Norway |
Ramjerdi |
Oslo: Institute of Transport Economics
, 2008 |
Integrating indicators measuring the environmental sustainability of transportation projects, plans and policies into decision making |
Ramjerdi |
I: Towards the definition of a measurable. Seminar COST 356 – EST. Wednesday 20 February 2008, TOI, Oslo, Norway, s. OsloInstitute of Transport Economics
, 2008 |
Decision making tools for sustainable transportation |
Ramjerdi |
I: Journée de travail « La logistique et le transport face au développement durable ». Paris La Défense (organisateurs : ESCE et INRETS) mars 2008
, 2008 |
Cost-benefit analysis and sustainable transport |
Ramjerdi |
I: Paper prepared for COST 356, Towards the Definition of a Measurable Environmentally Sustainable Transport
, 2007 |
Long term effects and sustainability |
Ramjerdi |
I: 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 24-28 June 2007, University of California at Berkeley, USA
, 2007 |
An Evaluation of the Performance of Equity Measures |
Ramjerdi |
I: The Proceedings of the 45th European Congress of the Regional Science Association (ERSA 2005). Amsterdam, 23-27 August 2005.
, 2005 |
Road Pricing and Equity in Norway |
Ramjerdi |
I: International Perspectives on Road Pricing Conference Proceedings 34Washington, D.C.Transportation Research Board
, 2005 |
Pricing European Transport Systems. Final and Summary Report for project PETS under the EU 4th framework, 2000. |
Ramjerdi |
, 2000 |
The Fixed Link over the Öresund Strait |
Ramjerdi |
I: Transportation Research Board, 78th Annual Meeting, January 1999WashingtonTransportation Research Board
, 1999 |
Household demand for alternative fuel cars : ownership and use. |
Ramjerdi, Karin Brundell-Freij
, 1999 |
Transport and land-use in the information society. (TRITA-IP FR 99-53) |
Ramjerdi |
, 1999 |
Models for Car Ownership, Car Transactions and Vehicle Type |
Ramjerdi, Lars Rand, Inger-Anne F Sætermo
I: Proceedings of IATBR’97—The Eighth Triennial Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, University of Austin, Texas, Sept. 1997
, 1997 |
Backcasting and long-term transport scenarios |
Ramjerdi |
I: Paper prepared for the OECD project “Environmental Sustainable Transport”Bilthoven/OsloNational Institute of Public Health and the Environment/Instittue of Transport Economics
, 1997 |
Demand for Alternative Fuel Cars in Norway |
Ramjerdi, Lars Rand
I: Proceedings of International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR97), Austin,Texas, 22. - 25. September 1997
, 1997 |
Comparative Assessment fo Cost Elasticity Values |
Ramjerdi, Jan Erik Lindjord, G. Pepping
I: Deliverable No 4 for EXTRA project to the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Transport DG VII, s.
, 1997 |
A National Forecasting Model System for the Evaluation of the Impacts of Alternative Policy Measures on Transport and Environment |
Ramjerdi, Lars Rand
I: edited by Bjarne Madsen et al.:Modelling the Economy and the Environment, s. Berlin/Heidelberg/New YorkSpringer
, 1996 |
Road pricing and toll financing : with examples from Oslo and Stockholm |
Ramjerdi |
Stockholm Oslo: Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Infrastructure and Planning Institute of Transport Economics
, 1995 |