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Value of time, safety and environment in passenger transport - Description of data

Authors: Hanne Samstad, Marit Killi, Stefan Flügel, Knut Veisten, Farideh Ramjerdi
Report nr: 1053a/2010
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1103-3
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
Hele rapporten

The Institute of Transport Economics and Sweco have jointly carried out a study to produce new unit prices for use in cost-benefit analyses in the transport sector. The study includes values of time and reliability, accident costs, transport comfort, the costs of insecurity, health effects and the costs of air pollution and noise. This report describes the data that were used in all the areas of the study and how they were collected. Six other documentation reports, labelled 1053b-h, document the methods and results in each of the areas of the study, and a summary report (1053/2010) contains the new recommended values.


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