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Lasse Fridstrøm
Academic articles
Title | Authors | Publication |
Modelling the interaction between the energy system and road freight in Norway | Eva Rosenberg, Kari Aamodt Espegren, Janis Danebergs, Lasse Fridstrøm, Inger Beate Hovi, Anne Madslien | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2023, 114:19 |
The Revealed Preference for Battery Electric Vehicle Range | Lasse Fridstrøm, Vegard Østli | Transport Findings, 2022, (January):1-7 |
Estimating stocks and flows of electric passenger vehicle batteries in the Norwegian fleet from 2011 to 2030 | Rebecca Jayne Thorne, Fernando Aguilar Lopez, Erik Figenbaum, Lasse Fridstrøm, Daniel Beat Müller | Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2021, 25(6):1529-1542 |
Comparing the Scandinavian automobile taxation systems and their CO2 mitigation effects | Vegard Østli, Lasse Fridstrøm, Niels Buus Kristensen, Gunnar Lindberg | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2021, (Online):18 |
The Norwegian Vehicle Electrification Policy and Its Implicit | Lasse Fridstrøm | Sustainability, 2021, 13( 1346):1-14 |
Who goes electric? The anatomy of electric car ownership in Norway | Elisabeth Fevang, Erik Figenbaum, Lasse Fridstrøm, Askill Harkjerr Halse, Karen Evelyn Hauge, Bjørn Gjerde Johansen, Oddbjørn Raaum | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021, 92(March):1 |
Direct and cross price elasticities of demand for gasoline, diesel, hybrid and battery electric cars: the case of Norway | Lasse Fridstrøm, Vegard Østli | European Transport Research Review, 2021, 13(3):24 |
Who will bell the cat? On the environmental and sustainability risks of electric vehicles: A comment | Lasse Fridstrøm | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2020, 135(May 2020):354-357 |
The climate, economic and equity effects of fuel tax, road toll and commuter tax credit | Christian Steinsland, Lasse Fridstrøm, Anne Madslien, Harald Minken | Transport Policy, 2018, (May):17 |
A generic discrete choice model of automobile purchase | Vegard Østli, Lasse Fridstrøm, Kjell Werner Johansen, Yin-Yen Tseng | European Transport Research Review, 2017, (June 2017):9-16 |
From innovation to penetration: Calculating the energy transition time lag for motor vehicles | Lasse Fridstrøm | Energy Policy, 2017, 108(September 2017):487-502 |
The vehicle purchase tax as a climate policy instrument | Lasse Fridstrøm, Vegard Østli | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2017, 96:168-189 |
A stock-flow cohort model of the national car fleet | Lasse Fridstrøm, Vegard Østli, Kjell Werner Johansen | European Transport Research Review, 2016, 8(22):15 p |
Effects on accidents of changes in the use of studded tyres in major cities in Norway: A long-term investigation | Rune Elvik, Lasse Fridstrøm, Joanna Kaminska, Sunniva Frislid Meyer | Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013, 54:15-25 |
The ideal contract roundtable | David Hensher, Ken Gwilliam, Mark Burton, Neil Smith, Didier van de Velde, Lasse Fridstrøm | Research in Transportation Economics, 2008, 22(1):188-194 |
Towards a more vigorous competition policy in relation to the air travel market | Lasse Fridstrøm, F Hjelde, H Lange, E Murray, A Norkela, T T Pedersen, N Rytter, C Sandvig, M Skoven, L Solhaug | Journal of Air Transport Management, 2004, 10(1):71-79 |
The barely revealed preference behind road investment priorities. | Lasse Fridstrøm, Rune Elvik | Public Choice, 1997, 92:145-168 |
Measuring the contribution of randomness, exposure, weather, and daylight to the variation in road accident counts. | Lasse Fridstrøm, Jan Ifver, Siv Ingebrigtsen, Risto Kulmala, Lars Krogsgård Thomsen | Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1995, 27(1):1-20 |
Measuring the contribution of randomness exposure, weather, and daylight to the variation in road accident counts | Lasse Fridstrøm, Jan Ifver, Siv Ingebrigtsen, Risto Kulmala, Lars Krogsgård Thomsen | Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1995, 27(1):1-20 |
Other reports, books, papers etc.
Title | Authors | Publication |
Decarbonization of transport; Short version of a position paper prepared by FME MoZEES and FME CenSES | Lasse Fridstrøm, Asgeir Tomasgard, Gunnar S. Eskeland, Kari Aamodt Espegren, Eva Rosenberg, Per Ivar Helgesen, Arne Lind, Marianne Ryghaug, Heidi Bull Berg, Hans Jakob Walnum, Linda Ellingsen, Ingeborg Graabak | Trondheim: FME CenSES og MoZEES , 2018 |
Decarbonization of transport; A position paper prepared by MoZEES and CenSES | Lasse Fridstrøm, Asgeir Tomasgard, Gunnar S. Eskeland, Kari Aamodt Espegren, Eva Rosenberg, Per Ivar Helgesen, Arne Lind, Marianne Ryghaug, Heidi Bull Berg, Hans Jakob Walnum, Linda Ellingsen, Ingeborg Graabak | Trondheim: FME CenSES og MoZEES , 2018 |
The equity effect of road charges : Calculating Lorentz curve differentials through sample enumeration | Lasse Fridstrøm, Harald Minken, Arild Vold | I: 11th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) , 2007 |
Competitive airlines: Towards a more vigorous competition policy in relation to the air travel market. (Report from the Nordic competition authorities nr 1/2002) | Lasse Fridstrøm, F Hjelde, H Lange, E Murray, A Norkela, T T Pedersen, N Rytter, C Sandvig, M Skoven, L Solhaug | Copenhagen: Konkurrencestyrelsen , 2002 |
A stated preference analysis of wholesalers' freight choice | Lasse Fridstrøm, Anne Madslien | I: Romeo Danielis (Ed.):Domanda di trasporto merci e preferenze dichiarate - Freight transport demand and stated preference experiments, s. MilanoFrancoAngeli , 2002 |
First-best and second-best marginal cost pricing: modelling case studies from three European cities | Lasse Fridstrøm, Harald Minken, Arild Vold, Paavo Moilanen, S.P. Shepherd | I: 9th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Seoul, July 22 - 27, 2001 , 2001 |
Economic and equity effects of marginal cost pricing in transport: Case studies from three European cities. AFFORD Deliverable 2A. (VATT Research Reports No 71). | Lasse Fridstrøm, Harald Minken, Paavo Moilanen, Simon Shepherd, Arild Vold | Helsinki: Government Institute for Economic Research , 2000 |
The TRULS-1 model for Norway | Lasse Fridstrøm | I: Marc Gaudry, Sylvain Lassarre (red).:Structural Road Accident Models: The International DRAG Family, s. OxfordElsevier Science , 2000 |
The IRPOSKML procedure of estimation | Lasse Fridstrøm | I: Marc Gaudry, Sylvain Lassarre (red):Structural Road Accident Models: The International DRAG Family, s. OxfordElsevier Science , 2000 |
Un enfoque econométrico para los accidentes de tránsito. | Lasse Fridstrøm | I: Lindau L A, Ortúzar J de D & Strambi O (red): Engenharia de Tráfego e Transportes 2000: Avanços para uma era de mudanças. Associaçao Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes (ANPET), Rio de Janeiro, , 2000 |
Own account or hire freight: a stated preference analysis | Lasse Fridstrøm, Anne Madslien | I: J. de Dios Ortúzar, David Hensher & Sergio Jara-Díaz (ed.):Travel Behaviour Research: updating the state of play, s. AmsterdamElsevier , 1998 |
Predictive models for aggregated data (Analytical macro models). (OECD/GD(97)153) | Lasse Fridstrøm | I: Rumar et al.:Road safety principles and models: review of descriptive, predictive, risk and accident consequence models., s. [Paris]OECD , 1997 |
Explaining the variation in road accident counts - A four-country, generalized Poisson regression analysis. (Rapport Nord 1993:35) | Lasse Fridstrøm, Jan Ifver, Siv Ingebrigtsen, Risto Kulmala, Lars Krogsgård Thomsen | København: Nordisk Ministerråd , 1993 |