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  • > Econometric models of road use, accidents, and road investment decisions. Volume I

Econometric models of road use, accidents, and road investment decisions. Volume I

Authors: Lasse Fridstrøm
Report nr: 456/1999
ISBN: 82-480-0120-2
Language: English

This volume contains the first part of the author's Ph D dissertation, and includes an introductory overview as well as two essays. The first essay - entitled "The barely revealed preference behind road investment priorities", coauthored by Rune Elvik, and reprinted from Public Choice 92:145-168 (1997) - uses rank order logit analysis in an attempt to explain the priorities set by the regional Norwegian road administrations. The second essay - entitled "Measuring the contribution of randomness, exposure, weather, and daylight to the variation in road accident counts", coauthored by Jan Ifver, Siv Ingebrigtsen, Risto Kulmala, and Lars Krogsgård Thomsen, and reprinted from Accident Analysis and Prevention 27:1-20 (1995) - applies generalized Poisson regression analysis to pooled cross-section/time-series data covering all provinces of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The third and last essay is printed in a separate Volume II (TØI report 457/1999).


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