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  • > Who goes electric? Characteristics of electric car ownership in Norway 2011-2017

Who goes electric? Characteristics of electric car ownership in Norway 2011-2017

Authors: Elisabeth Fevang, Erik Figenbaum, Lasse Fridstrøm, Askill Harkjerr Halse, Karen Evelyn Hauge, Bjørn Gjerde Johansen, Oddbjørn Raaum
Report nr: 1780/2020
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-2299-2
Language: English
Attachments Summary
Full report

This report characterizes owners of electric vehicles and other passenger cars in Norway based on data from matched administrative registers containing persons and households covering the period 2011-2017. This is the first time such data has been used in a research project on electric vehicles and policies to stimulate purchase and ownership of electric vehicles. We find that electric vehicle owners are more likely to be families with children living in central areas and have higher income and education than other car owners. Those who face road tolls on their road to work are also more likely to have an electric vehicle. Over time, owners of electric vehicles have become more similar to other vehicle owners. Those who buy an electric vehicle are more likely than others to keep their old vehicle, but also this difference has decreased over time.


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