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  • > Factors influencing drivers' speed choice - Review of literature and formulation of hypotheses. SIP Driver behaviour models: Report 2

Factors influencing drivers' speed choice - Review of literature and formulation of hypotheses. SIP Driver behaviour models: Report 2

Authors: Alf Glad, Fridulv Sagberg, Torkel Bjørnskau, Truls Vaa, Guro Berge
Report nr: 601/2002
ISBN: 82-480-0292-6
Language: Norwegian
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A model will be developed within the SIP Driver Behaviour Models as a framework for understanding drivers' speed choice. As part of the development of the model, this report looks at a number of studies into the connection between different influential factors and drivers' speed choice. We look at what the experience of speed, speed limits and speed checks, road design and road environment, vehicle characteristics, the driving situation and sensation-seeking mean for the choice of speed. On the basis of discussions in the research and reference group, further consideration is given regarding how car drivers are assumed to consider the consequences of the choice of speed in their evaluations and how the different factors can be seen in context. A series of assumptions or hypotheses surrounding the significance of these different factors is formulated. These are intended to form a basis partly for empirical research and partly for concrete evaluations of the effect that new traffic safety measures may have on the choice of speed.


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