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Ove Langeland
Vitenskapelige artikler
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Using the future wheel methodology to assess the impact of open science in the transport sector | Anja Fleten Nielsen, Jakob Michelmann, Attila Akac, Kristel Palts, Anne Zilles, Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, Ove Langeland | Scientific Reports, 2023, 13:1-15 |
Transition governance for just, sustainable urban mobility An experimental approach from Rotterdam, the Netherlands | Derk A. Loorbach, Tim Schwanen, Brendan J. Doody, Peter Arnfalk, Ove Langeland, Eivind Farstad | Journal of Urban Mobility, 2021, 1(December 2021):1-9 |
Business model innovation as a process for transforming user mobility practices | Steven Sarasini, Ove Langeland | Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 2021, 39(June 2021):229-248 |
Work place location, transport and urban competitiveness: the Oslo case | Frants Gundersen, Ove Langeland, Jørgen Aarhaug | Transportation Research Procedia, 2017, 26(Open Access):196-206 |
Artikler i fag-/bransjetidsskrift
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Bildeling og framtidige mobilitetsløsninger | Ove Langeland, Tom Erik Julsrud | Samferdsel, 2018, (Januar 2018):1 |
Vitenskapelige bøker/kapitler, etc.
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Technological innovation Systems and transport innovations: understanding vehicle electrification in Norway | Ove Langeland, Cyriac George, Erik Figenbaum | I: van Wee, B., Annema, J. A. and Köhler (ed):Innovations in Transport, s. Edward Elgar Publishing , 2022 |
Car sharing – a feasible way to a low-carbon mobility system | Cyriac George, Eivind Farstad, Ove Langeland | I: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies Conference Proceedings of the 17th STS Conference Graz 2018 7th-8th May 2018TysklandVerlag der Technischen Universität Graz , 2018 |
Work place location, transport and urban competitiveness: The Oslo case | Frants Gundersen, Ove Langeland, Jørgen Aarhaug | I: European transport Conference (ETC), Barcelona 05.-07.10.16BarcelonaAssociation for European Transport , 2016 |
Integrating a business model perspective into sustainability transitions: An analytical framework based on servitised mobility | Steven Sarasini, Marcus Linder, Ove Langeland, Tom Erik Julsrud | I: 7th International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2016 (IST) 06.-09.2016, WuppertalWuppertalBergische Universität Wuppertal , 2016 |
Shared consumption as a pathway to low-carbon transition in urban mobility | Ove Langeland, Tom Erik Julsrud, Steven Sarasini, Marcus Linder | I: Association of American Geographers (AAG), San Francisco 29.3 – 2.4 2016San FranciscoAssociation of American Geographers , 2016 |
Climate change adaptation through hierarchies and networks in the city of Bergen | Marte Winsvold, Kari Johanne Hjeltnes, Jan Erling Klausen, Ove Langeland | I: Jörg Knieling:Climate Adaptation Governance in Cities and Regions. Theoretical Fundamentals and Practical evidence., s. West Sussex, UKJohn Wiley & Sons , 2016 |
Andre rapporter, bøker, papers etc.
Tittel | Forfattere | Publikasjon |
Delings- og formidlingsøkonomi: Muligheter og utfordringer | Nina M. Iversen, Leif Egil Hem, Alexander Jakubanecs, Eivind Farstad, Ove Langeland | Bergen: Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS , 2017 |