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MoZEES Workshop: 22nd-23rd October, at CIENS, Oslo

Heavy Duty transport solutions

The workshop is organized by the MoZEES (Mobility Zero Emission Energy Systems) Research Center and will give an overview of the perspectives for a zero emission heavy duty vehicle sector (trucks, buses, trains, construction vehicles), as well as development pathways towards this technology shift.

Workshop:  October 22nd 08.30  - October 23rd  16.30
Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalleen 21, Oslo.
The workshop itself is free of charge, but a ‘no show fee’ of 500 NOK applies. If you would like to join us for dinner and drinks in the evening of Oct 22nd, this will cost 700 NOK.

Link to  registration

MOZEES Workshop - 22nd – 23rd October: CIENS, Oslo – Forum

22nd October, Day 1:

0830: Registration and coffee

0900: Welcome and opening (Øystein Ulleberg, IFE)


Session 1: Towards roadmaps for zero emission transport solutions in Norway (Chair: Øystein Ulleberg, IFE)

0915: National policy related to zero emission technology and vehicles (Andreas Hedum, Samferdselsdepartementet)

0930: Rail roadmap (Stephen Oommen, Jernbanedirektoratet)

0945: Bus roadmap (Snorre Lægran, Direktør Plan- og trafikk, Ruter)

1000: Construction vehicle roadmap (Jon Eriksen, Kunnskapsbyen Lillestrøm)

1015: Heavy duty trucks roadmap, including electric roads (Jan-Terje Mentzoni)

1030: Questions


1045: Coffee and snack


Session 2a: Technology outlook: Batteries (Chair: Ann Mari Svensson, NTNU)

1105: Battery materials research in MoZEES (Ann Mari Svensson, NTNU)

1125: Unlocking large scale battery cell supply in Europe (Tom Jensen, FREYR)

1145: Battery electric buses in Oslo/Bærum (Glenn-Ivar Gaalaas, Unibuss)


1200: Lunch

Parallel activities:

1240: Site visit to Alnabru charging facility (on electric buses). Coffee on-site

1240: Alternative site visit to SINTEF


Session 2b: Technology outlook: Fuel cells (Chair: Jan Petter Mæhlen, IFE)

1440: Fuel cell materials and components: work in MoZEES (Magnus Thomassen)

1500: Hydrogen technology fuel cell development into the future (Johan Burgren, Powercell)

1520: Questions


Session 3: Case studies in Norway (Chair: Erik Figenbaum, TØI)

1540: Techno-economic analysis of alternative rail electrification technologies (Federico Zenith, SINTEF)

1600: Potential for zero emission HDVs in Norway: work from MoZEES (Inger Beate Hovi, TØI)

1615: Techno-economic Study of Hydrogen as a Heavy-duty Truck Fuel: A Case Study on the Transport Corridor Oslo – Trondheim (work from MoZEES) (Janis Danebergs, IFE)

1630: Possible Solutions for Zero Emission Railways. Case Study: Nordlandsbanen (Dag Aarsland, Jernbanedirektoratet)

1645: Questions


1700: Welcome drink and dinner at Forskningsparken topcentre 


23rd October, Day 2:

Session 4: Value chain components (Chair: Anders Ødegård, SINTEF)

1000: Hydrogen production outlook (Bjørn Simonsen, NEL)

1020: Grid management with an eye to fleet charging (Bjørn Inge Oftedal, REN)

1040: Perspective from a value chain component manufacturer (John Lauvstad, Scania)

1100: Components for heavy-duty electric vehicles (Øystein Hahre, ABB)

1120: Questions


11:40: Lunch

Session 5: Practical implementation across Europe (Chair: Sigve Aasebø, SVV)

1230: Hydrogen Safety: Kjørbo-incident, overview and perspectives (Olav Hanssen, Lloyds’ Register)

1250: Experience with electric waste collection trucks (Lars Gravdahl, Ragn-Sells)

1310: Coradia iLint: The world’s first hydrogen passenger train with more than one year in regular service in Germany (Stefan Schrank, Alstom)

1330: Electric road demonstrations in Sweden and case study for large-scale implementation (Darijan Jelica, RISE)

1350: Questions

1410: Closing remarks


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