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  • > The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities

The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities

Forfattere: Jaakko Kukkonen, Susana López-Aparicio, David Segersson, Camilla Geels, Leena Kangas, Mari Kauhaniemi, Androniki Maragkidou, Anne Jensen, Timo Assmuth, Ari Karppinen, Mikhail Sofiev, Heidi Hellén, Kari Riikonen, Juha Nikmo, Anu Kousa, Jarkko V. Niemi, Niko Karvosenoja, Gabriela Sousa Santos, Ingrid Sundvor, Ulas Im, Jesper H. Christensen, Ole-Kenneth Nielsen, Marlene S. Plejdrup, Jaco Klenø Nøjgaard, Gunnar Omstedt, Camilla Andersson, Bertil Forsberg, Jørgen Brandt
Rapportnr: 19884/2020
Språk: English


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