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  • > Public sector facilitation of cargo bike operations to improve city logistics

Public sector facilitation of cargo bike operations to improve city logistics

Forfattere: Tale Ørving, Karin Fossheim
Rapportnr: 8741/2020
ISBN (elektronisk versjon): 9780128176962
Språk: English

This evaluation builds on a case study in Oslo, Norway, and provides important knowledge to authorities on how to facilitate use of cargo bikes in the Norwegian urban freight market. The findings indicate that providing a suitable location in the city center for urban logistics activities, in this case a micro depot, required substantial effort from local authorities. The chapter concludes that to attract other actors to initiate commercial use of cargo bikes public authorities should make this process easier to complete, either by (1) defining space in land-use plans for logistics activities, (2) setting aside existing locations for this usage, or (3) by developing a centrally located multi-user terminal. Overall, the Oslo case shows that a public-private partnership was fruitful in initiating testing of new sustainable ways of performing goods delivery in Oslo.


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Nettredaktør: Kommunikasjonsleder Hanne Sparre-Enger