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  • > Nordic Comparison on the future of road freight energy efficiency and CO2 emissions

Nordic Comparison on the future of road freight energy efficiency and CO2 emissions

Forfattere: Inger Beate Hovi
Rapportnr: 8427/2014
Språk: Engelsk

There is a lack of comparable results between the countries on the future of energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. Due to this, there is not adequate information for policy measures to govern the future direction. Comparison of the energy efficiency of road freight transport between Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway will provide useful information for policy making and also provide exchange of best practices which will help to achieve the energy efficiency targets in each country. Previous studies have focused on forecasting the future in a single country with one research method, typically with Delphi study or trend forecast. The studies are furthermore often about total energy consumption, which is highly dependent on economic activity, but forecasts on economic activity are commonly dismissed. This research will study the issue from several viewpoints with multiple methods. This makes this study new and scientifically significant. Also focusing on energy efficiency instead of total energy use is a new approach to the issue.


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