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  • > Metropolitan economies and the generation of freight and service activity: an international perspective

Metropolitan economies and the generation of freight and service activity: an international perspective

Forfattere: Elise Caspersen
Rapportnr: 8733/2019
ISBN (elektronisk versjon): 9780749487775
Språk: English

Approximately 80 per cent of European and American citizens live in an urban environment. Due to their large populations and extensive commercial establishments, urban areas require large quantities of goods and services for commercial and domestic use. This results in increasing levels of demand for freight transport services. Freight transport in towns and cities is a major contributor to environmental impacts, particularly to local air pollution and noise. Urban Logistics addresses public policy makers, freight transport companies and receivers of supplies, providing them with the information and guidance to affect change in the logistics of the city. Urban Logistics is written by an outstanding team of international editors combining their expertise and using their research from leading business schools in Sweden and the US. There are also valuable contributions from academics and industry experts from companies and universities from all over the world. The book includes clear examples of initiatives that work and business case developments, as well as toolkits for policymakers and managers who are devising new initiatives. There is an in-depth examination of different aspects of urban logistics, such as retail logistics for cities, urban food supply chains, services and the special logistics requirements involved, construction, waste management and e-commerce and home delivery. There is also a focus on networks and partnerships and an analysis of innovation as a new constant. Online supporting resources include PowerPoint lecture slides.


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