Monday 26 - Tuesday 27 November 2018
Oslo /Asker, Norway, Sem Hovedgård
The IMPACT project contains the following research objectives
Monday 26 November
1130: Arrival and lunch
1245 – 1315: Presentation of the project and objectives, Wiljar Hansen, TØI
1315 – 1400: Mapping all changes in travel times within a nation. What’s the point? Peter Aalen and Leo Grünfeld, Menon
1400 - 1420: Coffee break
1420 – 1505: Benefits of urban transport projects, Haakon Vennemo, Vista Analyse
1505 - 1550: Road networks and market access: Connecting theory with data, Kjetil Haukås, TØI
1550 -1610: Refreshments
1610 – 1655: Agglomeration, productivity and the role of transport system improvements: Lessons from Sweden, Maria Börjesson, VTI
1655 - 1800: Plenary discussion on the research frontier on traveling distance and productivity, Chair: Annegrete Bruvoll, Menon
1930 – 2200: Dinner
Tuesday 27 November
0900 – 0940: Interaction between multiple externalities: How to apply a consistent model? Annegrete Bruvoll, Menon
0945 – 1030: Transport-induced agglomeration effects, productivity and accessibility: Evidence from US metropolitan areas + TiTuSS, Patricia Melo, ISEG-University of Lisbon
1030-1050: Short break with fruit
1050-1120: Highway expansions: effects on local economic activity and population redistribution, evidence from Dutch highway projects, Jos van Ommeren, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) – via Skype
1120 - 1200: Estimating the economic gains of road investments in South Norway – The full gains, Rasmus Holmen, TØI
1200 - 1245: Lunch
1245-1345: Meeting and discussions with user institutions