Related presentations and papers

From Institute of Transport Economics / Transportøkonomisk institutt

Direct outputs and activities associated with the TEMPEST project

Uteng, T.P.,  Julsrud T.E & George, C.  (2019) “The role of life events and context in type of car share uptake: Comparing users of peer-to-peer and cooperative programs in Oslo, Norway”. Transportation Research Part D,

George, C. & Julsrud, T E. (2018) “The development of organised car sharing in Norway: 1995-2018” TØI Report no. 1663/2018. Institute of Transport Economics: Oslo

Uteng T.P. (2019) “Planning for Elderly Mobilities: How can car sharing aid the transition towards sustainable travel behavior? Case of Oslo, Norway.”  Presentation at “International conference: New Directions on Ageing: Work, Care and Mobility”, Manipal, India, 01-02 March, 2019.

Seminar on car sharing in Norway, January 16, 2019 (in Norwegian)

Related outputs and activities

Master's Thesis by Cyriac George: User Adoption of Innovations in a Sustainability Transitions Context: A Practice Theory Analysis of Car Sharing and Urban Mobility Behavior in Oslo, University of Oslo, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture

From University of Oxford, Transport Studies Unit, School of Geography and the Environment

Brendan Doody

Direct outputs and activities associated with the TEMPEST project

Conference Panel

  1. Doody, B. J. (2017). Panel discussion: can the sharing economy help cities transform towards sustainability? In Oxford GREEN-WIN Conference on Sharing Economy and Urban Sustainability, Oxford, 19 June 2017.

Related outputs and activities

Conference Session Organiser

  1. Doody, B.J. & Richardson, E. (2016).On demand: Cultural economies of access and ownership. In Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference. London, 31 August-2 September
  2. Doody, B.J. & Hopkins, D. (2017). Systems of (auto)mobility: Continuities, disruptions and futures. In Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference. London, 31 August-2 September.

Conference Presentation

  1. Doody, B.J. & Richardson, E. (2016).On demand: Cultural economies of access and ownership. In Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference. London, 31 August-2 September.

Tim Schwanen

Direct outputs and activities associated with the TEMPEST project

Conference Presentation

  1. Schwanen, T. (2017). The rise of car sharing in North-West Europe. In Oxford GREEN-WIN Conference on Sharing Economy and Urban Sustainability, Oxford, 19 June 2017.

Related outputs and activities

Journal articles: Peer Reviewed

  1. Dudley, G., Banister, D., & Schwanen, T. (Online First). The rise of Uber and regulating the disruptive innovator. The Political Quarterly, doi: 10.1111/1467-923X.12373.
  2. Temenos, C., Nikolaeva, A., Schwanen, T., Cresswell, T., Sengers, F., Watson, M., & Sheller, M. (2017). Theorizing mobility transitions: An interdisciplinary conversation. Transfers, 7(1), 113-129.
  3. Schwanen, T. (2016). Rethinking resilience as capacity to endure. City, 20(1), 152-160.
  4. Schwanen, T. (2015). Beyond instrument: Smartphone app and sustainable mobility. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 15(4), 675-690.
  5. Schwanen, T. (2015). The bumpy road toward low-energy urban mobility: Case studies from two UK cities. Sustainability, 7(6), 7086.

Book chapter

  1. Schwanen, T. (2016). Innovations to transform personal mobility. In D. Hopkins & J. Higham (Eds.), Low carbon mobility transitions (pp. 205-218). Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Limited.

Weblinks to adjacent activities or projects

  1. Go Ultra Low Oxford (GULO)
  2. Sustainable Cities and Resilient Transport (SCART)
  3. The Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED)
  4. The Governance of Transitions in Urban Mobility: The case of Uber in London
  5. Young People’s Travel Behaviour – Evidence Review
  6. Servicizing Policy for Research Efficient Economy (SPREE)




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