

To meet the needs for more sustainable urban passenger transport, there is need to develop new and innovative mobility systems. The overall research objective of the TEMPEST project is to develop an understanding of the conditions for systemic changes in the transport system.

We are doing this by focussing in particular on transitions from privately owned means of transportation toward shared mobility services, and the subsequent potential for energy reductions.

Comparative studies of car sharing schemes will be conducted with empirical studies in Norway, Sweden, Netherlands and the UK.

Research goals

1) Describe key technical, political and social factors influencing on a transition in the transport system towards low-carbon and low-energy urban mobility, related to utilisation of shared mobility services

2) Locate the key factors in households affecting on a transition toward utilisation of shared mobility services

3) Give recommendations on how stakeholders can stimulate to transitions of shared mobility services in urban regions

4) Estimate the potential future uptake of shared mobility services, and the potential future reductions in energy.

The duration of the project is from 2016-2020.


Eivind Farstad

Andre kontaktpersoner:


Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo

Postboks 8600 Majorstua, 0359 Oslo



HR-excellence in research



Nettredaktør: Kommunikasjonsleder Hanne Sparre-Enger