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Research project:


Researchers at TØI study how nudging can facilitate behaviour change in the urban transport system.

In the project «Push & Show»: nudging for sustainable transport in urban areas with road markings, intrinsic motivation and external rewards, we focus on how we can prompt people to make sensible choices on their daily travels by choosing active transport (bicycle and walk) over cars in the largest cities in Norway (Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger).

Nudging  is a term from Thaler and Sunstein book “Nudge”, published in 2008. The term ‘nudge’ refers to a “libertarian paternalistic” approach, or simply put a situation where the freedom of choice is maintained, while an institution attempt to stir people choices toward “what is best for them”.

A wide range of methods and measurement techniques is used in this project: web-based and road side surveys, observational counts (inductive loop counters), video observations with automated video analysis software, driver data from passenger cars coupled with traffic data, and a mobile application used to collect data about travel behaviour in the targeted population. For this purpose, we will use an existing application “Sense.DAT”.

Sense.DAT is an app to measure, analyze and store outdoor travel behavior (travel diaries) and travel experience data. The app registers travel behavior automatically and autonomously in the background and uses sensors in the smartphone to detect the mode of travel, as well as duration, location, and distance. Users can view, approve and, if necessary, correct each trip. In this way, highly accurate and complete travel diaries can be obtained with little effort.

The project runs until 2020.

Funding and collaboration:
This research project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council (267855/O80 Forskerprosjekt - TRANSPORT). The project is carried out as a collaboration between four highly experienced research environments:

  • The Institute of Transport Economics in Oslo, Norway (TØI)
  • The Department of Psychology Oslo University (UiO)
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geoscience at Delft University
  • Strathclyde University in Scotland.

The scientific quality of the project will be further enhanced by a reference group with Oslo City Council, Kristiansand City Council, NAF AS; Bergen City Council, Staten Vegvesen Vegdirektoratet, Telemotix AS.

Structure of the Project:
This project is organized in different working packages as illustrated below:


Gaustadalleen 21, 0349 Oslo

Postboks 8600 Majorstua, 0359 Oslo

E-post: toi@toi.no


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Nettredaktør: Kommunikasjonsleder Hanne Sparre-Enger