Friday January 12, 2024 at 10.00-11.00.
HyValue brings together more than 50 partners from research, industry and public sector to address challenges in the entire value chain for hydrogen - production, distribution, use, regulations, safety, and commercialization.
TØI is one of the research partners in the FME.
In this webinar we will present the institute and give a taste of some relevant research.
- Welcome: Hanne Sparre-Enger, TØI
- Opening remarks: Jonas Solbakken, NORCE, Centre coordinator
- TØI and our energy transition research: Bjørne Grimsrud
- Public perception of Hydrogen: Cyriac George
- High speed vessels and potential for zero emission technologies: Ingrid Sundvor / Rebecca Thorne
- Planning of Hydrogen value chain for high speed passenger services in Nordland: Kenneth Løvold Rødseth
- Environmental sustainability of transport technologies: Linda Ager-Wick Ellingsen
- Q&A
- Closing remarks
The webinar is held in English, and no registration is necessary.