Authors: | Jens Rekdal, Odd I Larsen, Tom N Hamre, Olav Kåre Malmin, Nina Hulleberg, Stefan Flügel, Anne Madslien |
Report nr: | 1814/2021 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-2337-1 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary - in Norwegian only Full report - in Norwegian only Exhibit - in Norwegian only |
In the period 2016-2018, a new demand model for short distance travel in Norway was estimated and implemented. The work was carried out by a consortium consisting of Møreforsking Molde AS, Transportøkonomisk institutt, Sintef, Numerika AS and TransMod AS. This report is a technical documentation of the estimation work that led to an operational model in 2018. The model system consists of models for choice of mode and destination, models for tour generation and models for segmentation by car access. The estimation of each of these models is described in detail in the report. Implementation of the model system in CUBE was also part of the project, but is not included in the present report. In recent years, some changes and improvements have been made to some of the models. This is described in various working documents, but is not included in this report which describes the models as they were in 2018.