Authors: | Ingrid Sundvor, Sidsel Ahlmann Jensen, Guri Natalie Jordbakke |
Report nr: | 1772/2020 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-2054-7 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary Full report - in Norwegian only Sammendrag |
To reach the target for emission reduction for Oslo there is a request for more measures and instruments targeting transport of construction site related silt, dirt, stone and gravel. The Institute of Transport Economics has been commissioned by the Department of climate in City of Oslo to interview relevant people in the business and do a survey on what measures the contractors and transporters see as possible. They are concerned with environmental issues but are split in their view on which measure is best suited. It is a mixed group of enterprises which transport stone material and excavation soils and hence a measure being positive for some might be negative for others. This might explain the divided opinion on possible measures.