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  • > Parcel lockers as delivery solution - Usage patterns, experiences and effects of network expansions

Parcel lockers as delivery solution - Usage patterns, experiences and effects of network expansions

Authors: Inger Beate Hovi, Daniel Ruben Pinchasik, Bo Dong, Hedda Strømstad, Øyvind Lothe Brunstad
Report nr: 1959/2023
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1405-8
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary, pdf
Full report, pdf, in Norwegian only
Sammendrag, pdf

After a pilot phase in 2021, PostNord’s parcel locker network in Norway has increased strongly, covering substantial parts of Norway, primarily in cities and through locations near grocery stores and housing cooperatives. Parcel network coverage varies, but has become decent in several regions, particularly in Oslo. Recipients collect parcels somewhat faster than in the pilot, although collection behavior varies with location type and geography, driven by the time-of-day for deliveries and when different parcel locker locations are naturally visited. Delivery times have decreased over time, both per location and per parcel. Simultaneously, our findings indicate a potential for efficiency improvements, given that the number of parcels delivered per location remains relatively low. Also scale economies during other delivery stages can likely be exploited better. Our analyses illustrate that increased use of parcel lockers, as alternative to home deliveries, has a potential to reduce traffic, emissions, and other external damage costs – also when including recipients’ pick-up trips.


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