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Norwegian Foreign Visitor Survey 2011. Foreign holiday and business travel in Norway

Authors: Eivind Farstad, Arne Rideng, Iratxe Landa Mata
Report nr: 1166/2011
ISBN: 978-82-480-1325-9
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1265-8
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
Hele rapporten

The Norwegian Foreign Visitor Survey 2011 covers both holiday and business travel to Norway. In 2011 a total of 5.0 million foreign guests stayed overnight in Norway, while 1.3 million were on a day trip from abroad. In addition, 457,000 cruise passengers arrived in Norway, which is more than ever before. The number of overnight business visitors increased by three per cent, while the number of holiday visitors showed a four per cent increase from 2010 to 2011. Foreign overnight visitors spent a total of 32.6 million guest nights in Norway in 2011, four per cent more than in 2010. The most important source markets for overnight visitors are Germany, Sweden and Denmark. The number of German overnight visitors decreased by two per cent, and Danish by one per cent. However, most other markets increased, so the total arrivals and guest nights for all nationalities went up by four per cent. About one out of four guest nights is spent with relatives or friends, and an almost equal share at hotels or boarding/guest houses. Camping sites and cabins are also widely used as accommodation.


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