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  • > Evaluation of models and methods for analyzing the interaction between land-use, infrastructure and traffic demand in urban areas

Evaluation of models and methods for analyzing the interaction between land-use, infrastructure and traffic demand in urban areas

Authors: Bjørn Gjerde Johansen, Wiljar Hansen, Aud Tennøy
Report nr: 1415/2015
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1637-3
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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The aim of this report is two-fold: (1) to present an updated literature review on LUTI (Land-Use and Transport Interaction) models, with the intention of identifying recent trends in land use modelling and the capabilities of state of the art LUTI models; and (2) to contrast and compare state of the art LUTI approaches to other approaches for analysing the relationship between land-use and transport, based on evaluation criteria meant to capture the suitability for implementation in Norway.The report identifies LUTI models as suitable to predict the changes in urban systems over time, both because the feedback cycle between land-use and transport is taken explicitly into account in the models and because it will be possible to calculate user benefits for cost-benefit analyses based on forecasts and scenario evaluations.


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