Authors: | Nina Hulleberg, Stefan Flügel, Grétar Ævarsson |
Report nr: | 1648/2018 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-2165-0 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary Full report - in Norwegian only Sammendrag |
TØI has – commissioned by the Public Roads Administration – established empirical based infrastructure weights for bicycle route choice. The weights are controlled for speed and are used together with a speed model to model the overall attractiveness of different bike infrastructure. The data streams from GPS observations in Oslo. We find that cyclists on average cycle a 21% detour compared with the shortest route and 17% longer than fastest route. The chosen route has a higher proportion of facilitated infrastructure. We also find that the weights depend on the length of the trip. The weights are adjusted to include the infrastructure found in the National Road Database (NVDB). This provides a basis for including the weights in the regional transport models (RTM) in Norway.