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  • > Concepts for a future system for road tolls and road user tax - Transport model calculations

Concepts for a future system for road tolls and road user tax - Transport model calculations

Authors: Christian Steinsland, Anne Madslien, Kjell Werner Johansen, Paal Brevik Wangsness
Report nr: 1921/2022
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1977-0
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary - in Norwegian only
Full report - in Norwegian only

TØI has carried out transport analyses for passenger and freight transport of various concepts for a future system for tolls and road use tax. All concepts lead to reduced traffic volumes by passenger cars, with the greatest relative reduction for zero-emission cars, which in the baseline scenario pay no road use tax. The concepts with a flat road use tax across the country reduce traffic volumes both in cities and in sparsely populated areas for both freight and passenger transport. These effects become greater the greater the revenue target is. The concepts that differentiate prices between cities and sparsely populated areas lead to large reductions in urban traffic volumes. However, lorry transport volumes increase in sparsely populated areas in these concepts. Road user benefits are reduced as a result of the increased burden from the road use tax, but this loss is more than offset by increased government revenue and reduced external costs (emissions, accidents, noise, road wear and congestion).


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