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A small scale experiment on road-pricing in the research project TRANSFEED- Documentation

Authors: Paal Brevik Wangsness, Ingrid Sundvor
Report nr: 1904/2022
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1956-5
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
Full report - in Norwegian only

There is a growing interest in a more sophisticated system for pricing road use than current fuel taxes and toll, both in Norway and in a number of other countries. The TRANSFEED project has conducted a small-scale experiment in which participants got installed a driving monitor in their car. The participants were divided into a control group and two treatment groups that received feedback and tips based on their driving. One treatment group received feedback on how energy efficiently they were driving. The second treatment group received feedback on the external costs they generate based on their driving, costs that will reflect an economically efficient road price. They received tips on how they can reduce the external costs they generate and thereby increase their earning of points in the experiment. Among the findings from the survey of the participants were that a small majority of participants agree that distance-based road pricing is fairer than the current road toll, and about half believe that road pricing is better than other car taxes and tolls.


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