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Valuation of the importance of E136

Authors: Wiljar Hansen, Knut Johannes Liland Hartveit
Report nr: 1988/2023
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-2053-0
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary, in Norwegian only, pdf
Full report, in Norwegian only, pdf

In this report, we map the trade and industry in Møre and Romsdal and take a closer look at the use of E136 in the transport of goods in and out of the county. The road standard of E136 makes this main road connecting the north-western parts of Norway to the metropolitan area and the main European markets, a bottleneck in the movement of freight to and from the region. We find clear indications that the value of the goods transported along the E136 is higher than the unit values used in transport appraisal and included in the calculation basis when the transport agencies and Nye Veier AS produce the values of the goods transported on the various road sections.


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