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Use of travel time among railway travellers

Authors: Randi Hjorthol, Mattias Gripsrud
Report nr: 983/2008
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-0916-0
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

A survey about the use of travel time among railway travellers was carried out in June and August/September 2008 in Norway. Commuters and those in business trips spend most of their time working, even if they also carry out activities of social or recreational character. Those travelling for private purposes spend most of their time talking with others or relaxing. Work during the travel is most common on trips lasting two to three hours. Nearly 80 percent bring a mobile phone and about 60 percent make use of it. Every fourth bring a laptop and it is used by 16 percent during the trip. Very few, about 10 percent, see the travel time as wasted. This report is available only in electronic version.


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