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  • > Use of Norwegian Public Road Administration’s data bases for analysis of urban freight transport

Use of Norwegian Public Road Administration’s data bases for analysis of urban freight transport

Authors: Inger Beate Hovi, Elise Caspersen, Tale Ørving
Report nr: 1568/2017
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-2027-1
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

In this report we have attempted to utilize the National Road Administration databases (data from the periodic vehicle controls, Autosys, road traffic counts, and travel time measurements) for urban freight analyses. Based on these data, we present the fleet composition and mileage of small and large goods vehicles in various cities. We discuss how the Norwegian Road Administration's traffic data and travel time measurements can be used to estimate the business costs of delays on selected routes in the four largest cities in Norway. One of the purposes of the report has been to point out how the Norwegian Public Roads Administration can better arrange for register-based information to form a basis for statistics on goods vehicles, both at national level, but also at regional level, such as cities.


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