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Urban transport under different conditions

Authors: Nils Vibe
Report nr: 653/2003
ISBN: 82-480-0350-7
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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An international database with information about 43 cities is analysed to show connections between the framework conditions for person transport on the one hand and the volume of journeys and choice of transport on the other. Costs of using a car and public transport, the capacity of the road network, car density, surface coverage, the size of the vehicle fleet, access to parking places, journey speeds and the proportion of track-based transport have independent effects on the probability of choosing to use public transport rather than the car. The situation in 6 Norwegian cities where tests with alternative forms of organising local public transport provision are underway, is also described in a similar way. Here, strong connections between the framework conditions of public transport and the choice of transport can also be demonstrated.


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