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Urban transport packages in Norway. Organisation, content and framework - an overview

Authors: Jon-Terje Bekken, Oddgeir Osland
Report nr: 744/2004
ISBN: 82-480-0456-2
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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The focus in this report is the toll cordons/transport packages in the four largest Norwegian urban areas; Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Nord-Jæren. The following questions are addressed. What are the characteristics of these packages, in particular in terms of the financing scheme and the use of revenue? What are the reasons behind the content of the different packages? The question concerns the relation and interplay between framework, organisation and decision-making processes. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of the organisation of the packages? Our main focus is to evaluate whether the organisation of the packages lead to priorities that are in accordance with the overall transport policy. We conclude that the overall effect of the organisation is ambigous. In terms of improved mobility the organisation has resulted in increased funding for infrastructure. However, the organisational focus on making the packages aceptable by the public and the foocus on investments result in other important policies being omitted, such as parking policy.


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0349 Oslo, Norway

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