Authors: | Marianne Knapskog, Eva-Gurine Skartland, Elise Caspersen, Sidsel Ahlmann Jensen, Howard Twaddell Weir IV |
Report nr: | 1881/2022 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-1926-8 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary - in Norwegian only Full report - in Norwegian only |
The aim of this project has been mapping urban logistics methods for municipal needs. Urban logistics is defined as the transport of goods, equipment and waste to, from, in and through urban areas. The focus is on knowledge needs and methods that can provide more knowledge about urban logistics and the urban logistics processes. The work has revealed that many different methods are used, but that there is room for improvement. Better knowledge of methods can make municipalities better clients and give consultants improved understanding. A dynamic methods book that describes methods, provides examples of how methods are used in specific studies and describes processes can contribute to this. Already collected data could have been analysed in more detail based on its local characteristics and shown thematic maps. Spatial analyses of the data collected by methods already are in use is a low-hanging fruit to make urban logistics more visible.