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Travel Behaviour in Norway 1998

Authors: Ingunn Stangeby, Jan Vidar Haukeland, Arne Skogli
Report nr: 418/1999
ISBN: 82-480-0078-8
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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People undertake an average of 3.2 journeys per day. The majority of journeys are short both in distance and duration. 55 per cent of journeys are undertaken as car driver, 25 per cent by pedestrians or cyclists. Only 9 per cent are by public transport. The proportion of journeys as a car driver increased during in the 1990s. The purpose of the journey is threefold: journeys in connection with work or education; journeys associated with unpaid work for the household; leisure-time journeys. 15 per cent of the population undertake one or more long journeys (exceeding 100 km) per month. The car is the most frequent means of transport for journeys 100-300 km; the plane is the most frequent over 300 km. Holidays, leisure purposes and visiting friends and relatives are the most important reasons for long journeys.


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