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  • > Traffic safety for the elderly: Literature study, risk analyses, and assessment of safety masures

Traffic safety for the elderly: Literature study, risk analyses, and assessment of safety masures

Authors: Fridulv Sagberg, Alf Glad
Report nr: 440/1999
ISBN: 82-480-0103-2
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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Among elderly persons in Norway there are fewer traffic casualties, but more fatalities, per capita than among middle-aged persons. Lower causalty rate is explained by lower exposure, and higher fatality rate by the frailty of elderly people. Per kilometre travelled, the injury risk increases with age for all road user categories. The risk among elderly pedestrians has decreased during the last 20 years, but still pedestrians make up the largest group of injured persons 80 years and older. The share of elderly drivers involved in accidents and/or being injured is expected to increase, because of a rise in the proportion of license holders among the elderly. On the basis of a comprehensive literature survey, the report discusses age-related changes in sensory, cognitive, and motor functions that may explain the increased risk of the elderly, and possible safety measures are discussed. More knowledge about the exposure of elderly road-users under different traffic conditions is needed. An interesting question is to what extent they compensate for limited capacities.


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