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  • > Towards a goal oriented and comprehensive road policy process?

Towards a goal oriented and comprehensive road policy process?

Authors: Inger-Anne Ravlum, Morten Stenstadvold
Report nr: 374/1997
ISBN: 82-480-0028-1
Language: Norwegian

The Norwegian Road and Road Transport plan of 1998 – 2007 is meant to produce a parliamentary decision-making process based on definition of desired goals and the efficiency of measures available, a process more in line with the principles of rational planning. In addition the intention was to involve the MPs less in project details and more in discussions of policy framework. This report, made on the basis of interviews with central members of the Standing Committee on Transport and Communication, reveals a less detail and project-focused political process than before but still not characterised by the features of rational planning. This is partly because the methodology used in the plan - namely the use of alternative road policy strategies - does not fit the political process to well, and partly due to political factors more related to the upcoming parliamentary elections. This led to the MPs being less able and less willing to take part in a policy process in line with the principles of rational planning than what was the intention.


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