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Strategies in Norwegian Tourism Industry. An Evaluation of Public Financial Support to Tourism Organisations

Authors: Jens Kristian Steen Jacobsen, Petter Dybedal, Ole Skalpe
Report nr: 329/1996
ISBN: 82-7133-976-1
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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Since 1990 the Norwegian Industrial and Re-gional Development Fund (SND) has, in associa-tion with a national tourism strategy, given con-siderable financial support to the development of sales and marketing organisations and networks in Norwegian tourism industry. This report ex-amines the effects of the strategy and support on the financial strength of these organisations and networks, the profitability and production in the tourism sector, and the market power and com-petitiveness of the Norwegian tourism industry. Furthermore, effects on organisational structures, division of labour and effectiveness in develop-ing and marketing Norwegian tourism products are analysed.


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